"What did you do..?" She whispered as she gripped my hands softly. I shook my head and moved my hands away, only to have her gently pick me up and walk to the bathroom with me in her arms. She sat me on the counter and ran my bath water as I slowly swung my feet back and fourth, playing with my fingers.

I'm extremely embarrassed, and I'm not speaking because I don't even know what to say for myself.

"Come here." She said lowly, walking back over to me as I sat up a bit. I could tell I still looked like a lost kid, and I probably look horrible because I can see dry blood on my body, there are tear stains on my face, and I feel like shit.

She placed her hands behind me and unbuckled my bra, my cheeks turning tomato red as she placed it beside my leg. She's never seen my body before, and this isn't really the best time. I sniffed and looked down, still ashamed.

Monica wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her warm embrace, and tears immediately left my eyes. My body felt weak again and my head was pounding while I wrapped my arms around her, holding onto her tightly not wanting to let go.

A few minutes had passed and we both pulled away, then she wiped away my tears with her thumbs. "You're too beautiful to be letting yourself go like this.." She told me, I nodded.

"Get in the tub babygirl." She said as she helped me off of the counter, and I stood up, taking off my panties and slowly stepping into the bathtub, sniffing and sitting down while moving my feet around in the water.

Monica grabbed a washcloth and put some of my Dove soap on it, handing it to me. She watched me closely as I had begun washing off my body, pointing out some spots of dry blood that I was missing. "Why are you here? We haven't talked in months." I said lowly as I rinsed off my body and The Wash cloth.

She cleared her throat, then proceeded to speak. "Jaie told me to check up on you, because you seemed to be out of it last night. She wanted me to check on you because she said you have a drinking problem so.. yeah. And to make sure that Armani is okay." The more she spoke, the more anger I felt.

"If she cares so much about my fucking drinking problem she'd-" Monica cut me off with a "shh" sound and I got quiet. "Stop stressing her. I got you, I promise."

For some reason, I felt like I found reassurance in her smile, and I nodded as my gaze shifted off of her and went to the bath water that was draining out slowly. I've always had a little something for Monica.. but, I've always pushed it away. I'm glad she's here actually.. I'm glad that Jaie sent her to check on me. Because I'd probably be knocked out for the rest of the day, Armani still needs to be fed and stuff.


I stood up and she wrapped the towel around me, then picked me up and walked me into the room, sitting me on the bed.

"I don't want you walking because there's glass all over the floor, and I need to look at your feet and hands and make sure there's no deep cuts." She said as she rummaged through the drawers. She pulled out a pair of panties and a bra, then some shorts and a tank top. "This good?" She asked, and I nodded while she walked towards me, beginning to help me get dressed.

"I'm not handicapped, ya know." I said as she finished dressing me. "I'm perfectly fine."

Monica ignored me and walked to the hallway closet, pulling out a first aid kit and then walked back into the room. "Good, you didn't move." She mumbled as she sat on the bed and began putting bandaids and neosporin on my cuts on my feet, then some around my body and finally, my hands. After she finished, she got up and got me some socks and slipped them on my feet, then picked me up and brought me out of the room.

Once we were out, she put me down and I walked into Armani's room. She was awake and staring at the ceiling. I smiled as I picked her up and walked out of the room. Monica was already in the kitchen making her bottle, and she handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said as I walked and sat on the couch, beginning to feed the baby. Moments later, Monica walked past me with a broom and went upstairs to clean up the mess I had made. I feel bad that she's doing everything and basically treating me like a kid when I'm perfectly capable of doing things on my own.


"I'm gonna go, okay? No more drinking Ari." She said as she sat next to me. She literally cleaned up the whole house while I had put the baby back to sleep. Usually I'm up playing with her, but I'm just not in the mood to right now. "Okay." I said softly as I sat with my hands in my lap. Armani is lying in her rocker, snoring softly with her pacifier hanging from her arm.

Monica's phone began ringing when she had got up, and she quickly pulled it out. "It's Jaie." She said, and I nodded. "Put it on speaker.." I whispered as I chewed on my lip, and she did as I said.

"Hey." Monica said in a low voice, and soon after came Jaie's voice. "Aye, is everything alr- hold on hold on- is everything good over there? The baby aight?" She asked. She must've been talking to someone else when she said "hold on." Because I heard a few other voices in the background. Monica opened her mouth to speak, but she got silent when we both heard "Slim baby, come here."

"Who's slim?" I whispered, and Monica shrugged. But, my question was quickly answered when Jaie had mumbled "I'm coming baby hush."

My eyes widened and my lip was poked out, my heart beating fast as I felt myself about to cry. "No no don't- ugh yeah Jaie it's coo." Monica said before quickly hanging up and sitting back down on the couch, pulling me into her embrace.

"Don't cry babygirl. Please." She whispered as she rubbed my back, and I buried my face in her neck as I began to sob again. "I-I can't." I cried out, and she rocked side to side while leaning down and kissing my cheek.

"D-Don't leave Moni." I stuttered out, gasping for air constantly as my cries filled the room.

"I'm not.. shh"

~Monica in the picture. 😉

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