Hidden beneath the skin

Start from the beginning

"Jay." the boy didn't break eye contact, he kept his tone calm and polite but no one cold miss the glint of terror in his eyes.

"Perhaps we should be off. It is late and these children look tired." Cruella said and the group nodded, though Regina's eyes never left the blue haired girl who had yet to state her name. "It was good to see you Regina we should do this again soon. Carlos come dear." the boy flinched but leapt to his feet, scuttling to be close to her side.

"You gonna come to the shop soon?" Jafar asked putting his drink down and smirking at Maleficent who winked at him.

"Depends on the merchandise there." she said and the man laughed.

"I will make sure to have something new especially for you my dear. Come Jay I believe we should be off." Jay stood and came to stand next to his father, a small shake going through his body but otherwise he made no compliant or noise.

Cruella and Jafar disappeared through the door as Maleficent picked up her bag off the floor moving to the door before looking around and seeing Mal still sat on the floor her head bowed.

"Hey Mal you coming?" Mal's head shot up her eyes wide before she got up coming to stop in front of her. Maleficent raised her eyebrow but otherwise didn't mention the girls strange behaviour. "So Gina you call if you need anything alright?"

"You too Mali. See you later and have a good night."

And with that the woman left, Mal trailing behind her just out of arms reach. Regina closed the door and took a deep breath before turning to look at the living room door. Taking another breath she walked into her front room and looked at the trembling blue haired girl sat on her floor.

"Well I guess its just us now." She tried not to frown at the way the girl flinched as her voice echoed through the silent house. "I'm Regina Mills... what's your name?"

"E-Evie ma'am." the girl stuttered out her eyes on the floor, her body wrapped tightly into itself.

"Are you hungry Evie or thirsty?" the girl froze her eyes glancing up at the woman before shooting down again and shaking her head.

"When did you last eat?" Regina didnt know why she asked that. Maybe it was because the girl looked too thin to be healthy or the way she had looked almost afraid to say she was hungry when Regina had asked.

"A-a w-week ma'am." Regina's eyebrows shot into her hairline.

A week. This girl hadn't eaten for a week and she was saying she wasn't hungry. Her shock turned into a frown before she schooled her expression into a much calmer one.

"Well Evie why don't we have some food then. I don't have much in the house right now but I have some soup and bread that we can have." The girls head snapped up and get eyes sparkled with hunger.

Trying to ignore the voice in her head telling her this girls home life must have been less than ideal she walked into the kitchen. She waved her hands and a pot of boiling soup appeared on the stove, a loaf of crusty bread on the table. Taking out two bowls she grabbed a couple of soup spoons and placed them on the table. Turning she saw Evie standing in the door way, fiddling with her skirt but not moving towards the table.

"Sit down I'll-" Evie shot to do what she was told, sitting at the seat Regina had motioned to. The girl kept her head down and Regina frowned again. She grabbed two glasses and decided on water for the drink, sugary drinks may not help the girls stomach if she hadn't drank in a while.

"You can eat as much as you want, the pot will refill itself." Regina said sitting down on the opposite chair to Evie.

"I-i don't w-wanna be f-fat." Evie muttered and Regina raised an eyebrow.

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