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real life.

CARMEN COULDN'T EXPLAIN the happiness she felt— maybe because she had friends who didn't pity her

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CARMEN COULDN'T EXPLAIN the happiness she felt— maybe because she had friends who didn't pity her. Maybe because she felt welcomed and belonged somewhere.

So, the next morning when Carmen clocked into work with a smile on her face, all her colleagues stared at her in awe. She had to admit, nothing was going to turn her mood sour today. She wouldn't let it— maybe it was time to realize not to sweat the small stuff.

"Good morning, Dr. Holkien." Bea, the receptionist, grinned as she heard the heels click on the tile floor that belonged to Carmen.

Carmen smiled warmly, setting her to-go cup of coffee on the desk and began to pull her hair up. "Good morning to you too, Ms. Bea."

Bea giggled, "Today's gonna be a good day, isn't it? It's nice to see you all happy and smiley this morning."

Carmen gently hit the counter with her hand as she finished her hair. The smile never left her lips, even as she pointed playfully at Bea and then picked up her coffee.

"It's gonna be a good day," Carmen nodded.

Bea admired Carmen as she smiled once more, and headed off towards the back offices. Once Carmen was in her office, she shut the door and let out a happy sigh, strutting to her desk and sitting down.

Quickly taking a sip of her coffee, Carmen picked up the stack of paperwork and sat down in front of her. She happily plucked her favorite pen from a mug by her computer and started on the paper leftover from last week. And for the first time in many years, she was happy to do paperwork— and that was unusual for anyone in the office.

It had been about forty-five minutes until Carmen was tired of the quiet atmosphere of her office. The pen fell from her fingertips as she reached for her phone, and sliding across the screen to unlock it. With a simple tap there, she was taken to her music app, and with a tap here, music began to flow through the speakers.

Carmen smiled, the lyrics to her favorite song registering in her mind. It was an older song— from the early 2000's, and definitely a throwback for her.

"Cause you're amazing, just the way you are." Carmen sang softly, picking up her pen once more.

Hours passed Carmen by, and when she glanced at the clock that read one-thirty, she was nearly done with her paperwork. Then she had to do a few appointments and would be able to go home around six.

Only four and a half hours left, Carmen thought.

Carmen looked up as someone knocked on her door and cracked it open. She smiled softly, seeing Bea place herself in the doorway.

"You're the last lunch again, Dr. Holkien. The other staff wanted some subs, so I got your favorite; grilled chicken." Bea grinned, clutching a clipboard to her chest.

Carmen's grew a little more as she nodded.

"Thanks, Bea. I'll be there soon, I just gotta finish this last page."

Bea simply nodded, "Of course. I'll leave you to it."

Carmen didn't get a chance to say a word before Bea walked off and shut the office door. With a soft sigh, Carmen picked up the pen and scribbling a few more notes and a couple more signatures before signing off all the paperwork.

Once again, the pen was dropped from her fingertips and she picked up the large stack of papers, shuffling them neatly. Laying them down on her desk with a small smile, and picking up her phone. A simple tap caused the quiet music to turn completely off, and Carmen slipped the phone into the pocket of her lab coat as she stood up.

She skipped across the hall, to the staff room and she simply stared at the wrapped that had her name in sharpie. A smile spread across her lips, but it was soon diminished by one of the few interns; James.

"What's got you so happy, Dr. Holkien? Some of us are thinking you got laid. Is that true?" James asked, a mocking laughter in his voice.

Carmen rolled her eyes. It wasn't a secret that she didn't like James, because of the way he acted towards her and everyone else, but remained professional. Ignoring him, Carmen stepped towards the table, picking up her sandwich, unwrapping it and taking a bite immediately.

"How about you and the other interns stop gossiping about your superiors? It's not professional, and frankly, will get you fired." Carmen stated nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders as she glanced him.

When James' face reddened and didn't say a word, Carmen took that as a silent victory. She sat down at the table, taking her time at eating her sandwich. A smirk came to her lips as James left the room, thankfully leaving her alone.

Carmen was beyond thankful when she was able to be alone for about forty minutes, doing nothing. But sadly, she trudged back to the office after being reminded of an appointment she had.

With the door clicking shut behind her, she began to look through the files on the patient she's had previously. Carmen plucked the file from the cabinet, shutting the drawer as her cell phone went off. She clutched the file to her chest and picking her phone from her pocket and accepting the call.

"Hello?" Carmen answered, staring down at her feet.

"Carmen, hey." Chris said from the other line, his voice making Carmen smile unconsciously.

Carmen giggled, "Captain."

"I wanted to talk about something, possibly." Chris stuttered out, and Carmen came to the conclusion that he was nervous and probably blushing as well.

"And I would love too, Chris, honestly. Unfortunately, I'm at work still. Can I call you when I get off?" Carmen asked, raising an eyebrow at herself.

"Of course, princess." She could picture Chris nodding and smiling. "I look forward too it."

"Alright, then Captain." Carmen laughed, "I will. Talk to you later, Chris."

"Talk to you later, Carmen."

She looked down at her phone with a soft sigh as she ended the call. Her heart swelled with happiness, just from that call. Though she was nervous about what Chris wanted to talk about, she couldn't wait to call him back.

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