Chapter Eleven

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Our hands were intertwined, the moon is our only source of light. The slow breeze of the night was ruffling my already unruly hair. Christopher and I decided to take a walk while our parents caught up for lost time. My hands were snug inside his, keeping me warm from the cold night. I still couldn't wrap my head around the incident earlier. I had just gotten a marriage proposal. How insane can the day get? Who would have thought I would snag myself such a guy at twenty years old! Despite the bubbling excitement in my stomach, I couldn't stop feeling that Chris might not realise what he was getting himself into.

While getting married at a young age sounds wonderful and all, how many of such marriages actually last? As much as I trust Chris to stay loyal and become a reliable husband, will it really be fair to trap him a relationship if things end up not working out? My thoughts were attacking all sorts of insecurities in me.

" A penny for your thoughts?" My hands were tugged to a halt. We were now facing the beach, the wind blowing directly on our faces.

I looked up to Chris gazing adoringly, towards me. His lips quirked a tiny bit at its corners, his features calm just like the surroundings. His thumbs were in constant motion, caressing my hands, something that I realised has been an anxious reliever for me.

" I was just thinking about earlier on. I can't help but feel that everything is progressing too quickly, I mean, are you sure this is something that you really want? There is really nothing I can offer you other than care and company. I might not even pass my degree- for all you know I might end up jobless and you will have to pay for everything your whole life-if you're still with me, that is- ''

My monologue was cut off when my body was pulled forward, towards his chest. My head landed directly on top of his chest where the beating of his heart was loud and clear. His arms enveloped my body, one resting on my waist while the other caressing my hair. I could feel his breath at my hairline, his lips attached to my forehead. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, tightening his hold on me and bends down lower towards my ears.

" Want to know a secret? Last month was not the first time I saw you," his voice was hoarse, probably due to the thin air surrounding us.

I pulled away momentarily, looking up towards his face, wanting to gauge his seriousness. There was a full-blown smile attached to his face. As much as he sounded like a stalker, I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach, looking at the sight in front of me. He really was a looker.

" What do you mean? The dinner at my place was the first time I ever saw you." I was beyond curious at this point of time. Who wouldn't remember a face like his?

" Remember the medical convention three years ago? The one at the fancy hotel just across Hedges Lake? It was this huge deal since even the press were invited. I remember seeing you for the very first time during the gala dinner. You planted yourself at the dessert corner, refusing to socialise with anybody," chuckled Chris.

I looked at him in bewilderment. I remembered the gala night. My father was so insistent on the whole family attending the event. Despite my constant pleading and begging, I still had to wear my heels and a dress and meet new people. Let's just say, that was one of the worst days of my life.

" What do you mean?" I asked, clearly still confused.

" What I mean is, I kind of had my eyes on you for a very long time now," Chris answered while pulling me back towards his chest, arms circling my waist tighter.

I was at a loss for words at his confession. This man seems to like leaving me in a state of shock. I'm not sure how long my fragile heart is going to last.

" I don't understand, why didn't you approach me then? I would have sure to remember you." I probed further.

" At that time, I was still in medical school and as much as it was killing me to not talk to you, I knew that I should wait, since once the night was over, I was going back to my University which was miles away from here. I was just one of those lucky students who got invited to that medical convention. Flash forward to the present day, I couldn't feel luckier to be able to meet up with you again." His head was now back to resting on the top of my head.

I was not expecting this conversation. The fact that Chris knew of my existence three years ago was hard to comprehend. As much as I should feel creeped out by him, instead a feeling of assurance washed over me. Assured that maybe this man really liked me for who I am as a person.

As much as the hug was comforting and so damn comfortable, I couldn't help but want to stare at his face again. I pulled my head back, my eyes locked on his. He really had beautiful eyes. Ones that were blue and deep just like the ocean. I was lost just by staring at him.

" What are you staring at?" Whispered Chris, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Hiding my head back at the crook of his neck, I nuzzled further into him. His scent was overwhelming. I didn't know men's cologne could smell so addicting.

" I'm kind of glad you didn't approach me. I was weird back then, actually I am most probably still weird but I wouldn't want to be stuffing my face at our first meeting," I sheepishly said, inwardly embarrassed that he witnessed me stationing myself at the dessert counter.

" I guess I am attracted to weird people then," Chris smirked.

I avert my eyes as felt my cheeks heating up. Despite the incessant amount of times he has proclaimed his feelings for me, I still can't help but feel shy every time he mentions it. It is just something I don't think I will be able to get used to.

Clearing my throat, I looked up into the night sky, away from his eyes. " So, do we have a wedding to plan?" The change of topic was to get his stare of my face.

" Only if you want to," His grip around me tightened again. He seems to do that often. Especially if he is trying to convey his intentions of some sorts.

" I don't really have a choice, do I?" I teased, eyeing his grip that prevented me from moving.

" I was hoping you will agree, but let's just say I will not hesitate to kidnap you, if things don't go my way,'' his voice was light, teasing me again with his smile.

" I should just save you the trouble and relent huh?" I was really enjoying our banter.

" Yes please," he replied, giving me an Eskimo kiss.

Sorry for the late update!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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