Chapter Four

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" Someone' s excited," chucked Chris.

" Of course I am! I can't wait to eat all the food, take all the rides, watch the fireworks and eat ice- cream and eat brownies and eat many other things," I ended sheepishly after realising my outburst.

" I can't wait to do all that with you then," a soft smile played on his lips. I internally sighed, knowing I didn't scare him off with my rambling.

Clearing my throat, " So, any family or friends here? Must be tough huh starting anew, alone in a new town?"

" It was a little lonely at first, but the colleagues at workplace were more than friendly, especially your father. Such a kind-hearted man. Took me under his wing the moment I started work."

I smiled listening to him praise my father. I really loved my father. He's selflessness was something that I always admired. I was beaming, just thinking of how lucky I was to be blessed with such a person in my life.

" So, any siblings? Or pets that you love to death? I can't imagine being the only child. The silence will literally kill me. And honestly, I live for the chaos that goes around the house. Even on tiring days, my brothers shouting and parents laughter never fails to bring me comfort," I sighed, I really do love my family.

" To answer your question, yes I am the only child, not that you assumed already," he smirked. And again, we all know the drill, I couldn't contain my cheeks from blushing. I looked down apologetically, refusing to meet his eyes.

" I was just kidding. I don't mind though listening to you talk about your family. You seem to really love them, I feel that it goes way beyond any normal chap loving his family members. Care to share with me this deep seated obsession you have?"

Was I being too weird? I mean everyone loves their family right? It is normal to miss them after one day of no communication? Or was I the only one too attached?

" Hmmm, I just feel that with family, you will never be disappointed. They might do bad things to you or irritate you or make you want to pull all your hair out but at the end of the day you will still love them to pieces. It will always be in you to forgive them and they can be the worse in societies eyes, but to you they will always be a gem, one way or another. I mean, if you were really a case gone wrong, wouldn't you rely on your family members to at least still have that little hope in you?"

Christopher seemed to be in a trance from my rambling. It was his fault for asking me the question. Such topics evoke the passionate side of me. It saddens me so much to think of all the young teenagers out there not treasuring the relationship with their family. Rather, they are put galavanting trying to find attention from someone else. Don't get me wrong, making new friends is something of great benefit but why go looking when you have a whole support system in front of you.

" I mean. I do know that not everyone is as blessed as me to have such a great family. I guess I'm just taking full advantage of what God has given me."

Christopher still has not said anything. Maybe I came out as a little bit too strong for him. I hope i didn't sound like a maniac. I should control myself more around strangers. I guess not everyone is fond of listening to my undying love for my family. His question then cuts through my thoughts, causing my heart to palpitate non stop.

" What are your views then on loving someone outside the family? Will you be able to love someone as passionate as you love your family?" His expression was calm while he asked. Eyes full of enquiry though.

I felt my palms sweat and the air started becoming thicker. How do I tell him that till this very age, I feel that it is impossible to prioritise someone else other than my family. Even my best friend has not earned that title.

" I just cant imagine someone else being my whole world. As of now, my parents are siblings are my world. And I'm very content with where I am now." I added, a frown etched on my forehead.

" Maybe its because you have not experienced it yet. How I see it, there are many different types of love in this world. And for some types, you will not be able to feel from your family." He added.

" I never thought of it like that. To me love is universal. There were no such specificities to it," I whispered.

" My next question is though, are you willing to give it a try? If given the opportunity, to experience this new type of love and comfort?"

His question sent me into a whirl of thoughts. I personally do not like change. Change scares me. Change gives me the shivers. But what do I have to lose if I gave this said 'opportunity' a try. I've got nothing to loose right? Since no matter what happens, my family members will always be there for me.

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