Chapter 17

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I shook of the fact that one of our best friends was just making out with Clay and walked inside. I would talk to her and warn her later.

"Hello, welcome, how many?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Two." We said at the same time.

"Right this way!" The lady led to sit down at a table in the corner.

"How fun!" I said, this was my first date at a restaurant, I mean I've been out to eat with guys, but we had never considered it to be a date.

"Yay, food!" I said as I looked at the menu.

"I'm starving." Ricky said.

"Girl, all dis food looks amazing!" I said almost yelling but I didn't because I didn't wanna make a scene.

"So, are you excited for Florida tomorrow?" Ricky asked as he scanned the menu.

"Queen, yaas!" I said while picking at the chips they had on the table. "Ricky guess what?" I asked.

"Chicken butt!"

"Are you five years old?" I asked laughing.

"No. I swear I'm 21!" He said. And I'll prove it. He got out his licence and showed me.

"Okay, sorry." I said sarcastically.

The waitress came over and Ricky and I had ordered.

"Dude, I'm so bored!" I said leaning back in my seat.

"Am I not fun?" He asked jokingly offended.

"No, it's just that there's nothing to do and I don't wanna be rude and play on my phone. This isn't our first date and we know almost everything about each other, there's nothing to talk about." I said sitting back up.

"What's your biggest secret you've never told anyone before?" He asked.

"You first." I said.

"I asked you first." He said smirking.

"Fine. I've cheated before, not on you but on Clay." I giggled.

"Good, that man-whore deserves it." Ricky said.

We laughed.

"Okay, what's yours?"

He hesitated.

"C'mon I told you!" I whined, eager to know.

"I made out with Rebecca Black." He said. (Probably not true, idk)

"While dating me!?"

"No! I was single!" He said smiling.

"Okay good."

"Well, now I'm entertained, got anymore secrets?"

We both laughed.

"That's all, you?"

"Well, I have one..." I said regretting I had said that.

"Yes?" He said waiting.

"I may or may not have liked Clay when I saw him working at Starbucks in Hawaii the day we broke up and actually considered him to be a boyfriend."

Ricky spit out the water that he was drinking causing me to laugh

"Dear God, why?" He asked disgusted.

"I was wondering the same myself to be honest."


Ricky and I were racing around the room packing my bag for Playlist Live while Pandora played loudly in the background.

"You should be lucky I'm helping you!" He said laughing.

"Because you love me." I said kissing him on his way past me.

Once we were done, we got into his bed and fell asleep.

The next morning was a blur, I was half asleep because our flight left at 6:25 am. I fell asleep on the way to the Airport. When I was awake, we were in the parking lot.

"Are we here?" I asked stretching.

"Yup, time to go onto the plane!" Sam said crawling out of the car.

I touched my toes noticing that the only people in our car were Sam, Trevor, Jc, Ricky and I. No Kian or Connor.

I saw Lizzie get out of the car next to us with Connor.

"Queen, Yas!" I yelled when I saw them.

"Girl! Hey! So let me tell you what happened today, so at my school we had to do this whole project and it was really annoying and my home room teacher was such bitch!"

"Girl, that's horrible."

"I know right, Eww!"

We headed through the security and went to Starbucks and ordered iced coffee.

I held Ricky's hand as we walked and his hand was for some reason really sweaty even though there was air conditioning that was blasting and making me shiver even though I was wearing a big hoodie.

"Why are your hands sweaty?" I asked teasing him about his hands.

"Why aren't your hands sweaty?" He asked sassily and gently nudged me in the rid with his elbow.

"Abuse!" I yelled, obviously joking.

While we boarded the plane, we ran into Joey Graceffa.

"Alana?" He asked.

I turned around and tried not to scream, Joey freaking Graceffa was right behind me talking to Sawyer.

"I watched your video with Connor and you are amazing, girl!" He said in his fake 'Southern' accent.

"Oh my God... I love you!" I yelled.

"Yes girl!" Joey said.

I sat with Ricky and Jenn and watched Orange is The New Black with Jenn who had already finished the series but offered to watch it with me because I was close to the end on the episode titled "Fucksgiving"

After that, I watched some YouTube videos, read the comments on Ricky's new video with me that he had just uploaded.

Here's an example of some;


'Ricky will come back for us and marry me!'


'Queeen Alannaaaaaa!'

And some hate like;

'Eww Ricky, why her?'

'Ugly ass bitch all up on my husband.'

'Fuck her.'

I have no idea which way they meant by that last one but I'll take it as hate because the other option made me shudder.

I spent the rest of the flight talking, tweeting, texting Rebecca about Clay, -she didn't like the idea to break up with him- Texting Kian who was on another plane with Rebecca and Andrea.


We were a few minutes late to playlist but that was okay because the fans still screamed when Ricky and the rest walked by.

Tyler was hosting an event in which the fans would vote for things such as Best Dressed, Nicest Teeth, Best Hair etc..,

I was lying my head on Ricky's shoulder as Tyler announced the winners. Joey won best hair and teeth, Thatsojack won best dressed.

"Now y'all, I tweeted for you to send in your favorite couples, I picked the top three that were voted and had you vote on those, they were Charles and Ally Trippy, Lisa Schwartz and Shane Dawson and lastly, the couple that everyone went apeshit for, Alana Franta and Ricky Dillon!" Tyler said.

I looked up and Ricky. "News to me!"

"Same here! I had no idea that we were nominated!" Ricky replied.

"I'm glad we were!" I said kissing him.

Tyler cleared his throat dramatically "And the winner is..."

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