"I have to go, I remember something that I have to do" he turn in my direction and I wave goodbye at him while mouthing the word 'bye bye' he frowned at me before turning his back and walking away.

"oh my gosh!!!" suddenly Kana started laughing "did you see his expression? He looks so annoyed when you started acting like an ojou-sama that he immediately run away, hahaha" I give Kana a smug look as I feel satisfied with my performance.

"I did not know you could act like that Catherine" suddenly every smugness in my body go down the drain when I heard Aoi's voice. "seeing you act like that reminds me that you're also an heiress" I almost tearfully look at Kana because somehow his words seems to hold the meaning that I don't even look like an inch of a rich young lady.

"why? What do you usually view me as?"

"hmmmm.....a cat....maybe?" a cat yourself!!!!! Ah!!!! What do you view me as? A pet????? Author I thought Aoi is supposed to be a nice and kind character how can he suddenly say such insulting words behind that innocent smile of his. This is fraud!!!! "Ryuuji always refer to you as a cat that I unconsciously think of you as one" cat!!!!! I have two feet and you call me a cat!!! I look at Ryuuji with grievances.

"do you need something?" I shake my head and look at Kana who is looking amuse. Villain...ah....who's the real villain here? aren't you the real villain here king!

"you had to act to be a villain while your king only had to speak a few words and he could already reduce someone into nothing" I had no choice but to held my head down.

"ah....catherine, don't take my words to your heart, it was just a senseless babble" Aoi tried to comfort me "besides I am sure Ryuuji did not mean it" I unconsciously look at Ryuuji who is busy reading some book "neh, Ryuuji" Ryuuji raise his head and look in my direction and I immediately fixed my posture and meet his gaze

"I only see a cat"

"bullseye" Kana whispered on my side.

"this is......." I ask my team mates after I read the contents of the activities for this afternoon.

"hmmm....this is fascinating"

"it's the first I've known of this kind of game"

"so they prepared one activity consisting of different type of challenges with different difficulty and style by using the mountain as a ground. This is quite fascinating" I faced palm just by hearing their words. Just what kind of world are you guys living into that you don't even know about amazing race that you have to sound so surprised about reading it

"hmmm....so there are ten station, five are for the high school student council members and five are for the middle school students" Leon, the auditor read out loud

"but there are no markers that will indicate if each station is for the middle school or high school student council" Anna the first year representative pointed out.

"it is to be expected that the difficulty for the high school student council is two to three times harder than the challenges issued to us" Lyka, the second year representative said after pondering for a second.

"this problem is just simple" everyone turn to look at Ryuuji "whether it'll be a challenge for the high school student council or for the middle school we'll just have to finish it" I noticed how our members suddenly turn quiet with a look of disbelief in their eyes as they look at Ryuuji

"Ryuuji" Aoi called him

"if we can't solve easy problems how do you think we're going to solve more complex problems in the middle school section?" his words might be cold but seeing the faces of our members I guess its effective in lifting up their spirits.

"Catherine" I look at Kana "what do you think?"

"amazing race is not something complicated" I can't help but remember those times I played this kind of challenge in my past life. "since it's a team challenge let's just enjoy it" I believe that activity such as this should be enjoyed rather than be stressed over with.

"I have here a map of the whole place" Aoi laid down a map "we have no details where the stations might be situated but I could deduced some areas where it will be perfect to conduct the challenges" he pointed some areas in the map while everyone was looking at it aptly.

"I see" Ryuuji looked at the map "if I am going to base the activities to be drawn up by each and every one of the monitor I could practically come up with some sort of strategy or idea on what kind of challenge they are going to put up with" I could practically see how the other members look at Ryuuji and Aoi with respect.

"listening to them feels like seeing a king and his general talking about some kind of war tactics" i nodded in agreement on Kana's words because I too feel the same way.

"I could give you five possible things to be given as challenges based on the profile I made however there is one person we need to be wary off"

"don't tell me that you can't handle him Ryuuji"

"its not that I can't handle him, its just that it will take too much time to do it"

"ummm.....who are you talking about?" Lyka asked curiously

"we're talking about Catherine's brother" everyone turn in my direction and look at me


"right!" surprised by her sudden outburst I turn to look at Giles, the third year representative who had been quiet since this morning. "when we're talking about challenges he will be the biggest obstacle. Any station he can get hold off will be a problem"

"can't you predict any possible challenge he could give us?" Lyka ask Ryuuji

"impossible. I don't have any conclusive data about him"

"then Catherine" everyone look at me "can't you at least share something about your brother? Can you give us a heads up on what could we expect from him"

"I can't"

"you can't? is it because he's your brother? "

"c'mon Catherine, it would be for our school"

"I told you can't" we might be siblings but even I don't know accurately what my brother is thinking.

"don't be selfish!" I did not respond and just look at them. really, aren't we supposed to be here to socialize and improve the relationship between the three schools. Why do you guys look like some pack of hungry wolves fighting over  slab of meat.

"hey....hey....stop pressuring Catherine. Do you really expect her to tattle her brother out" i lean back slightly when everyone look at me for a second and most of them nodded as if agreeing on something

"we understand" eh?????? Why do you suddenly became tame and what's with that chorus reply????? I look at Kana and she give me a big thumbs up. what happened???


Catherine: "do I really not resemble a rich lady?"

Zero: *looks her up and down*.....

Catherine: *full of expectation* "so????"


Catherine: "why are you not answering????? Zero!!!!"

Zero: what you don't know won't kill you

Catherine: T__T

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum