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(Y/n) P.O.V
Everything is gone. Nothing remains in my vision. Only darkness. I looked around the dark hall I was brought back to, seeing the familiar bubbles containing memories. I go to touch a random memory, but it won't play or react to my fingertips touching the surface. Suddenly, a shelf crashes down behind me. The balls shatter, and I clutch my head. It feels like pieces of my brain are being ripped from my head. Another shelf topples, this time, in front of me. My head pounds harder as the weight from my upper body suddenly becomes too much for my legs to carry and my knees buckle in. I collapse to the floor and scream.
"Can anybody save me from myself?" The words echo off the walls, taunting me. More shelves start to crash, the memories scattered around my body as I lay helpless to everything that's happening. The black quickly disappears and I see a new color. Well, colors. The room comes back into vision, my eyes snapping open. A guy is in the room with me, looking at my weak form.
"(Y/n), how are you? Did you take a nap when I was gone or something?" The brunette asks, sitting on the bed next to me.
"I'm fine Mark. But where did you go?" I asked, placing my head down on the bed.
"You don't remember? I went to get the rest of the stuff for the submarine I was building." Mark questions, raising an eyebrow.
"No..." I say, looking back up at him. As he goes to stroke my hair, I pass out again. This time, I see a teenager in a swivel chair on her phone, drinking tea. A finger goes up to her lip for a second before she resumes whatever she is doing on her phone. I walk over to her, not sure who she is. As I get closer, her head snaps up, her brown eyes framed by her black glasses stare back into my (e/c) orbs.
"Ahhh, I know who you are. Actually, I've been expecting you for quite some time. So, how are you doing (Y/n)?" She says, looking back at me. She twirls her brown hair with her finger and puts her phone in the pocket of her skinny jeans. I look at the girl, confused at how she knew me.
"I see, you are confused. Understandable, I would be too if I was in your position. I'm Aliana, I've been watching over you this entire time." The brunette says, put stretching her hand. The white hoodie she wears covers her hand a bit, but I shake it anyways.
"Who are you, what are you doing in my head, and why do you know me?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at the strange girl.
"I just answered all these questions, but here, I'll say it again. 1. I'm Aliana. 2. I'm not in your head. 3. I've been watching over you since you crashed." Aliana replies, pointing at different positions every time she answered a question.
"Where are we if we're not in my head?" I ask, my suspicions about the girl still not lowered.
"Actually, I have no clue, but just not in your head. Quite frankly I don't know how else to describe it, but you're in a place that you are designated to go to before you die." Aliana mumbled, reaching into her desk and pulling out a lollipop.
"Hold on, WHAT?" I scream, my eyes widening with the extremely new news.
"Ya, you're about to die. You did put up a fight though, two weeks in your condition was quite impressive and amusing at the same time. My question is how your body managed to hold on that long." She pops the lollipop into her mouth, twirling it around.
"But..but I don't want to die yet!" I turn around back at the girl, her feet propped on her desk as she leaned back in her fancy swivel chair. My mind goes straight to Mark as I speak, remembering the nights we've had together. Those, what, 5 nights maybe? Those were the nights that made me feel safe and comfortable. It's when he would come back before I fell asleep. We'd swim up to the escape pod, climb on top of the roof of the capsule, and sit. He would bring dinner up and we would just sit and look at the stars. We would eat and talk, bringing some sort of comfort to the horrible place we now exist in.
"Well, I mean, I can't really help you without making a deal. As a gate keeper, can't do that." She puts a finger to her temple, scratching it for a bit.
"OH! I know! I'll make you a deal. Let's play a simple game used for memory and attention span, but in this case, it determines your life. If you can tell me where this wrapper is," The brunette says, holding a lollipop wrapper between her fingers.
"I will erase your conditions. You can continue living in that fucked up universe. If you can't or just don't want to try, then my duty as your gate keeper is done and you are going to your designated end realm. But, as your gate keeper, I can see your future. It's not fun or enjoyable in the least bit. This decision is up to you." She finishes. I could leave the pain in suffering behind. Take the burden of feeding another mouth off Mark. Or I could go back to him and our strange friendship. The nights on the roof looking at the stars, the times where if I'm coughing blood or feeling like shit, he's just there for me. The times when we laugh at dirty puns or times where we talk about what we did before the crash. I..want to go back.
"Let's do it, I want to go back." I say confidently.
"Alrighty.." The girl snaps her fingers, making three cups appear out of thin air. She places the wrapper under one of the cups and shuffles them around on the table, pushing them in front of me.
"Now my dear (Y/n), choose your fate."

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