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(Y/N) P.O.V
Everything is black. All around me. Black, black, and more black. I tried to open my eyes, but whatever was keeping them shut planned on keeping them that way. I felt something pick me up gently and place me on a surface. I gave up trying to figure anything out and slipped back into deeper unconsciousness.
Mark's P.O.V
It's been three days since she blacked out. I used the stuff we had to build a small base, consisting of one room. I laid her down gently on the bed and sat at the other end. I held my head in my hands as I looked at the sleeping girl. I had brought the remaining stuff down to the base that was in the pod and shoved it in the storage lockers at the other side of the room. As weird and mysterious as she was, I really, really liked her. The way her eyes lit up when she saw the water, god, it just made my heart stop. I'm really, no, extremely worried because I don't know if she will get up or not. Standing up, I went through the locker to see if there was anymore medical supplies left. I had used most of the small bit we had on (Y/N) and now we might need more. I sighed and slumped down onto the floor, sitting for a while before hearing a shifting noise. I look over at the bed the (H/C) girl was sleeping on, but she was still as a rock. I huffed and stepped outside to scavenge for more parts for the base.
(Y/N) P.O.V
Black. Everything was black. From a personal experience let me tell you, blacking out due to a radiation blast isn't fun. You feel like your entire body is going to fold itself into a million pieces after being crushed by a hydraulic press. My current mindset was that there was no way I was going to survive this. I looked around my mindscape. Brushing my self off, I got up and started walking around. It was all black with monochrome bubbles containing memories. I went up to the closest one I could find and touched it. The bubble started unfolding before me and quickly surrounded me, leaving me to spectate another version of me. Memory Me was rubbing her head, looking over at a man. I realized this was when Mark and I woke up in the weird pod. I continued watching as Memory Me started talking to Memory Mark, and the scene played out exactly like how it happened in real life. The memory ended when I found the door and opened it. The scenery around me faded back to the black void with my black and white memories. Deciding I wanted to know how I got in this situation in the first place, I started walking further down the void to the older bubbles. After walking for about a minute, I reached a bubble that looked like a figure signing a paper. I brushed my fingertips against it as the room faded out once more and was replaced with a new scene. The scenery was a ship port, and I looked around until I saw Memory Me. I floated over to her as I watched her fill out a paper. Reading it, I saw she was signing a waiver to go onto the Aurora. Behind Memory Me, I saw Mark, two people behind her. Memory Me stepped from the counter and toward a large door with her luggage. As Memory Me walked though the door, she stepped onto a bridge that let her onto the soon to crash Aurora. The memory fades and the black in my vision starts to disappear. The weight on my eyelids lightens, and the aching in my body is fading away bit by bit. I noticed these changes, and have the courage to open my eyelids, something I haven't been able to do in a while. I open my eyes and look around. A deranged Mark is halfway through the doorway, standing rock still as he watched me sit up.

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