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(Y/n) P.O.V
I look around, still not able to believe that I was in the ocean, breathing underwater, on an unknown planet! I managed to gather the willpower to push forward. Mark did the same trying to catch up with me. Moving away from the same spot, we explored the shallow waters near the pod. It was so unbelievably colorful and pretty! Something touched my foot, causing me to dart up in the water. I looked back to find it was Mark.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" Mark laughs, holding his stomach. I start laughing along with him, the noise echoing through the blue ocean water. After laughing for a while, we looked around to try to find anything useful  that might be able to make something. I spotted a piece of metal shining out of the ground. Swimming over through the brightly colored ocean, I picked it up.
"Markimoo!" I call.
"Yeah (Y/N)?"
"What do you think this is?" I ask.
"I'm not sure, just take it, it'll probably be useful in making a super sweet base!" He says, doing a surfer accent. I laughed as I held onto the metal. We keep looking around for anything else that might be useful.
"Hell yeah, acid mushrooms! I don't know what they do but I'm gunna take them ALL!" He yells, shoving as many mushrooms as he could in his pockets.
"Time to get high in the ocean babyyyyyyyy!" I chuckle, dragging out the y in baby. Mark starts laughing as we have another laughing fit.
"Hey what is that thing?" I ask, pointing to the new figure in the ocean.
"I don't know, let's go check it out!" Mark said, swimming toward the creature. The creature kind of looked like a manatee, but was a blackish green and had a weird circular tail.
"What are you?" Mark screamed, poking the creature in the tail.
"Mark, don't do that, what happens if that tail is poisonous?" I scolded
"Yes mother (Y/N)! Hey did you just pee? Did you just go number 2?" Mark looked back at the creature and the greenish yellow cloud around the thing.
"Come on Mark, let's go look for more stuff." I groaned, grabbing his hand and leading him away from the life form. Staring at the sand, I swim down to the bottom of the shallow waters and onto the sand. I plop down in the sand and lay down. Mark swims next to me and starts digging the sand.
"Mark, what the hell are you doing?"
"I find it funny I can terraform the environment!" Mark replies, picking sand up in his hand and letting it fall back to the ocean floor. I chuckle and look back to the clear blue waters and the colorful sea life. Seeing a colorful fish, I start to swim after it. I chase it around as Mark watches and laughs. After swimming after the fish for 2 minutes, I start to head back up to the "safety pod". Getting into the pod, I drop everything I had onto the floor next to the small crafting machine next to me. I start making raw materials as Mark comes in.
"Caution: Readings from the Aurora suggest erratic fluctuation in the primary dark matter containment field. A breach of the main chamber may cause a cascading quantum fluctuation detonation." My suit mentions.
"WAIT, THE SUIT CAN TALK?!?" Mark screamed, looking starstruck.
"Wow Mark, I love how you don't care about the speech it gave about how the Aurora might blow up but the fact it can talk." I laugh.
"Ok, what do we do then?" Mark asks
"Let's gather supplies until further details." I reply, jumping back into the water. The brown haired man jumps in after me, making a splash through the water as he lands. I see a small box and start to swim over. As I get closer, my head hurts more and more as I see a red cross sign on it.
"Emergency; Readings from the Aurora show severe instability in the primary drive core. The central dark matter reactor will reach a critical state." Screams my suit, warning me not to go forward. I ignore it and swim faster to the supplies. The pressure starts getting heavier as the light starts dimming. I was 15 meters. 10 meters. 5 meters. In the background, I hear Mark scream a couple times telling me to come back. Almost to the box, I reach out to grab it as my vision collapses and I black out.
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