Chapter 29: The Blob

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Chapter 29: The Blob

As the light cast by Arbormon and his spirit faded away, you glanced at the tiny screen of your D-Tector and saw a symbol. The elements were some of the few Japanese symbols you knew by heart and this particular one would translate as 'tree'. Made sense.

"Hooray!" The sewer Digimon all cheered as they saw that the pipes were cleared of the annoying roots. "The human did it! The sewer is ours again!"

"Glad to help! Now don't go trying to kill any more trees, okay? Give peace a chance."

Suddenly there was a deep overpowering rumble that shook the metal of the room so hard that some of the rivets popped out of the steel. There was a collective gasp from the Numemon and Sukamon before they all ran screaming back to the main sewer. You could only stand and gape upwards in shock.

From the seams and holes over your head oozed a viscous greenish-black substance, bubbling and writhing like a disgusting living creature. Its tentacles searched back and forth blindly until it seemed to home in on you and it surged with new purpose. You backed away as the goop dropped to the floor and gathered together, radiating malevolence.

"Oh, beans." This was very bad. You could tell that without a doubt.

Another great flash of light and the souls of your five spirits burst into being around you, all of them tense for battle.

"So, our enemy reveals itself at last," Mercurymon growled. He lifted one of his shields and positioned himself defensively in front of you. "Prepare yourself, girl. We'll finish it here."

"Um... okay..." you said hesitantly. You held up your D-Tector and prepared to evolve.

"How laughable," wheezed the goo in a thick soggy voice. "That you believe you can stand against me is pure naiveté on your part. I'll destroy you without even materializing fully into this plane."

"Mercurymon, we have a problem," Dramon muttered. "I can't reach out to the others."

"I'm well aware," the Warrior of Steel replied. "I've had no luck either. What of the rest of you?"

They all responded in the negative and your stomach churned even harder as a laugh emanated from the grotesque shapeless form. "I'm going to deal with this child and you spirits without any inconvenient interruptions Resistance is futile."

"We need to retreat," Dramon declared. "He's too strong for us to handle right now. We won't be any sort of match for him."

"Retreat where, sugah? In case y'all hadn't noticed we're trapped in a room in a sewer beneath a factory!"

"Yeah, and that big lug is blockin' the exit with his behind, right?"

"And me no good at digging through steel, Dramon."

"And I've grown weary of traveling with humans. I say we finish it now and send the hairless monkeys back to their own world."

"Excuse you, Mercurymon!" It was hard to not be offended whenever he 'opened' his 'mouth'.

"Good, use that anger in the fight, girl."

"I swear, somehow, someday, I will punch you."

"Don't, Ally!" Dramon shouted at you. "You're going to get yourself killed! Then nothing will be able to save the world!"

"It's like the others said, Dramon: we don't have a choice. And I don't have to win on my own. Maybe I can get that thing to move away from the tunnel entrance just enough to get through. Then we could call for the others."

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