Chapter 12: Mercurymon Is Shiny!

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Chapter 12: Mercurymon Is Shiny!

~Junpei POV~

I watched Ally as she studied the different parts of herself curiously. It was like she'd never become a Digimon before. At one point she crossed her eyes while trying to see where her horn was and I laughed.

"Junpei-san!" Tomoki's yell startled me - it sounded scared.

I looked over and all my friends had horrified expressions on. "Your stomach!" Kouji said urgently.

I looked down and nearly fainted. Where LadyDevimon had stabbed me as Beetlemon was now a patch of exposed digicode. And it looked damaged. I probably made a squeaking noise when I saw it but to be honest the world grayed out for a while.

Claws moved into my field of vision (which was mostly the ground) and I looked up into Ally's worried eyes.

~Your POV~

Junpei looked up at you, frightened, and this time it wasn't funny at all. The place where LadyDevimon had jabbed him was a patch of damaged digicode now.

"What do we do?" you cried. Your tail began twitching nervously.

"Ally!" Kouichi said. "What about Dramon's Spirit Flame? Would that work?"

You hesitated. "I don't know. Do you think it would?"

"I don't know either, but it's worth a shot," he answered. "It helped Pipismon."

You were still uncertain. "Yeah, but his digicode wasn't showing..."

"Would you try already?!" Junpei yelped. "I feel really funny!"

"You look funny too," you shot back automatically. "ELEMENTAL SHIFT - Dramon!" You blinked a few times. "Oh! I'm short again!"

"Short, she says..." Izumi snorted. You were a good foot taller than her as Dramon.

"Panicking here!" Junpei reminded you.

"All right, all right," you said and squatted down for a better look. You still weren't sure if you could help, but Dramon felt confident. "Okay," you said. "No screaming."


You ignored his gasp and took a deep breath. "Spirit Flame." Unlike with Pipismon, the flames didn't lick aimlessly around the wound - it headed purposely for the damaged data. Junpei flinched, expecting pain, but you had been teasing. It shouldn't hurt.

"Is it done yet?" he asked anxiously when you were almost out of breath.

You gave him a look and the last of your golden flames left your mouth. You sucked in a breath and leaned back to observe your work. The data was fixed. Junpei's solid form had been restored, but you could see beneath the top layer to the data beneath, and it looked fine too.

"Everything looks fine," you reported.

"You sure?" Junpei asked suspiciously.

You brightened and held up a fist. "I'll punch you and find out."

"I'm serious!" he snapped.

You stretched your neck up and gave him a long, level, serious stare in the eye. "I mean it, Junpei, it looks fine. Even you can tell that your image is back to normal and I assure you that the data beneath it is fixed. Dragon's honor."

Your most solemn vow eased his nerves. "Thanks."

You stood, a wide smile on your face. You were glad you could help.

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