Chapter 51: Can't Think of a Title

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Chapter 51: Can't Think of a Title

~Dark Continent, now~

~Kouichi POV~

"Kouji, are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm all right." My twin looked a bit dazed but not badly injured. "How is everyone else?"

"We're all okay," Izumi replied a little unsteadily.

After SkullWyvernmon's devastating attack, our group had taken refuge in some old ruins overgrown with dark vines and venus flytrap heads. But even concealed by the thick stone block walls, I could still hear the vicious howls and the percussive sounds of exploding data. SkullWyvernmon was on a full-out rampage now with nothing holding her back.

Then I heard a thud that had nothing to do with SkullWyvernmon. Junpei had slammed a fist against one wall with obvious frustration.

"I can't believe this happened!" he growled. "We should've known that it was a trap when SkullGreymon attacked! We should've kept Ally away from him!"

"We couldn't have known, Junpei," Izumi replied sympathetically.

"I should've known!"

"That's enough of that!" Bokomon barked at him. We all stared at him in surprise. "Nothing will get accomplished by whining about what you should've done or should've known! So stop moping and start figuring out how to rescue Ally-han!"

I think everyone was stunned by his directness and there were a couple minutes of silence. Then I spoke up.

"You're right Bokomon. We can't change the past so we need to move forward." I looked purposely at Junpei. "We'll rescue her."

He nodded but the anguish was still clear on his face. I wasn't surprised to see it but I was surprised by the intensity. I knew they were best friends and I figured that they might even have stronger feelings for one another, but this was the first time it'd been so obvious. And I had to admit that I felt a bit jealous.

Suddenly a colossal explosion rocked us and dirt sifted through the cracks in the roof. Distantly I heard some blocks fall out of their places.

"Aah!" Neemon squealed. "That one was a lot closer!"

"We're all ears whenever you want to tell us what the plan is to stop Ally-han from bringing the world onto our heads!" Bokomon demanded.

"Are you kidding?" Kouji scoffed. "We barely managed to escape being roasted or digitized! How could we have come up with a plan in the last two minutes?"

"Don't worry, we'll rescue her with or without a plan!" Takuya announced encouragingly.

"Oh yeah? How?"


There were more explosions and the sound of blocks falling was more frequent. "I think we might need to save ourselves first," Izumi stated with a worried look at the quaking ceiling.

"Yeah, great choice of hiding place, Takky," Junpei snapped. "It'll make a perfect tomb!"

"Hey, I didn't hear you suggesting anything better!"

"Guys, don't fight!"

"Both of you knock it off!"

Over the shouting I could now hear the shrill whine of corrupted data. "I think she knows we're here!" I warned the others urgently.

There was a bright flare of light along with my words and we all recoiled. I expected an attack.

"Of course she knows. The dead could hear that yelling."

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