"What are you going on about?"

"Roza, I have hurt you so much, so many times, and yet you still love me. How is that even possible? I do not deserve you."

"You're right..." Everyone looked shocked at her words. But I knew her better than anyone else, so I knew there was more to come. 

Smiling at me she said, "... you deserve so much better than me." 

I knew she was going to say something like that.

Everyone laughed, "my silly woman, there is no one better than you." I told her, just before I kissed her until neither one of us could breathe correctly.

"I love you." I whispered against her lips after our breathtaking kiss.

"And I love you." She answered shamelessly, just before sucking my bottom lip into her mouth.

'My God, the woman has no yeblya clue what she does to me.' I felt her smile, so I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she heard that thought. (fucking)

As I talked more with my family, and had a reunion with Oksana and Mark. My Roza went through the dresses that the dressmakers had brought with them.


I went through all of the dresses, but I just could not find one for my coronation, I did find one for the banquet and ball though. And it was going to knock everyone's socks off, especially Dimitri's.

"How long would it take you to make one?" I asked the head dressmaker.

"Do you have a design in mind, or would you like me to design one for you?"

"I have a design in mind."

"Well, I could have three shifts of up to twelve seamstresses per shift work around the clock and it would be ready in time."

"Good, please do that. But I want them all to receive triple the pay."

"Yes, of course your majesty. Do you wish to draw the dress?"

"No, I can't draw a straight line to save my life. I couldn't even draw a circle if I used a protractor." 

We both laughed. "I'll just show you. Are you ready?"

I could see she was confused, "yes." 

I reached up and touched her head, mentally passing the design to her. "Oh my, that is beautiful. Is that the colors you would like me to use?"


"You will be the most beautiful woman there your majesty. Just as you should be at your own coronation and wedding."

"Thank you. Who do I talk to about getting hairdressers, makeup artists, as well as manicurists?"

"I can arrange that for you as well."

"Thank you. We will need ten hairdressers, as well as ten makeup artists and manicurists."

"Of course, your majesty. With your coronation being at seven, we will need to start at four, just to be sure that we have time to get everyone ready. As long as everyone is showered and ready to get to work by then we should have enough time to get you all ready and beautiful."

"That is fine. Please remember that you cannot tell anyone who they will be working on. No one yet knows that I am the one being crowned as queen, and we want it to stay that way until the very last possible moment."

"Of course, your majesty. Discretion is part of the business."

"Thank you." 

The dressmakers all left, and I turned to my baba. "Baba, we need jewelers and someone to bring shoes around." (father, daddy)

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