Welcome Miss Assassin

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"Oh, well, the Orogolio Familigia told me that you could." I tensed when she said that, I felt no harm that was directed towards me from her, but that still made me wary. She continued, "My family belonged to that Familigia, we were all trained to be assassins since we were born. A couple years ago, the Head decided to eliminate some of my family. He had claimed that they were thinking of betrayal and it was an demonstration to others of what he would do if any of us would disobey. I always disliked him, so I ran away. He tried to send people after me, but they were unsuccessful, hence the appearance. I heard rumors of the heir of Vongola was a kind and strong boss. I wanted to meet you and join your Familigia." 

"Is that so? Well, I welcome you. Let's get you cleaned up and have a good friend of mine evaluate your skills," I responded to her explanation. I was glad that she wasn't an enemy but it was unsettling knowing she was in the Orologio Familigia since she was a baby. 

"Evaluate me?" she asked confused, clearly not expecting that.

"Yes, I know your strong but I want to see your full extent right now. Strength doesn't matter in my Famiigia, so don't worry if you didn't pass my test. Well, not my test, but I'm still going to see the results."

"Who is this friend of yours?" A smirk appeared on my face, a spark of mischief in my eyes. 

"Someone that you don't want to anger."

"Well fuck you!" came a voice behind me. Madeline quickly dropped into a defensive position. I turned around with an blank face, angling my face upwards to the lamppost directly to my left. I shut my eyes momentarily and sighed. I opened them and a gave her a glare. 

"Why are you here? Did you get a proper sleep, or should I reeducate you on the importance of health?" A nervous look flittered across her face before Kou gave me a smirk and dropped down, flinging her arm around my shoulders. 

"Now, now, there's no way you'd be able to do thaaahhhhhh!!!!!" she yelled as Madeline judo flipped her. I blinked looking at Madeline with an impressed look, then turning to the  masochist on the ground who looked dazed from the flip. A light blush took over her cheeks as she sprung up and latched herself to Madeline. "I love you so much! Do that again! You're so strong and skilled if you managed to do that, unlike this thing behind me." I kicked her off of Madeline,

"Well, aren't you nice. Leave her alone you masochist. Don't get her involved with your fetishes."

"I didn't ask you for your opinion now didn't I? So how about I-"

"Who is she?" Madeline said, cutting Kou off. 

"Oh, this is the friend I was talking about. She's a bitch, but she's a valuable comrade and is great at fighting." I answered. Kou nodded in hello. "Guessing from her response she likes you and deemed you worthy."

"Why does that matter now?"

"Oh, you see she-"

"You're now going to help tutor Tsuna!" Kou interrupted. A tick mark appeared on my head, this conversation was just us cutting each other off. 

"Tutor him? But isn't he-"

"Well, you see Tsuna actually in still a teenager with little training. He's only received a years worth, so it's going to be our job to jam in a couple more!"

"Okay, I understand. Boss, I hope you learn much from me, I taught my younger family members often and sometimes the newer members. Believe I can be of great help," she said, turning to me. I gave her a soft smile,

"Well I look forward to your teaching."

"Great! Let's get started!" Kou yelled with excitement. She headed off to the direction we were going to train, I stopped her by grabbing her elbow. 

"Before that. We need to discuss living arrangements and you will sleep you piece of-"

"No cursing," said Madeline as she covered my mouth with her hand. I shot her a look, which she responded by removing her hand. I grabbed both of their arms, leading them to my house. A glint in my eyes, I just got closer to victory. With two strong willed allies, I had just increased my chances of winning this hidden war. 

Behind me, not registering on my radar, was a young girl. Not just any girl, but the little girl of my dream. And behind her was the one from the other night. Not to far was another girl from a dream months ago. They were all looking at me in silence, disappearing around the corner and heading off into the town. Kou quickly looking over my shoulder at them, before turning around as I gave her questioning look. 

"Tsunayoshi Sawada, the battle ground has barely been set. Prepare yourself, because the Orologio isn't your only enemy you'll be fighting." said a mysteries stranger, chuckling. He looked at us a little longer  before following the girls. Leaving the early morning silent once again.


Sorry for the delayed updates! I was unmotivated to write, whoops! Just revealed my lazy-ass! I plan on getting another one or two chapters up by Friday! Look out for those this week! 

Until then,

Peace out Anti-socialist! 

I'll Fight for YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz