Chapter #26- ILoveYouSpice

Start from the beginning

The cup is hot so I burn my fingers when I palm it and seeing me wince, he rolls his eyes.

"I have no idea why they make handles for cups"

"Sarcasm doesn't become you" I hiss as I sip from the glass and seeing my eyebrows furrow, he explains, "We ran out of coffee, so I made hot chocolate"


Damn, this is some nice hot chocolate.

"We'll have to stock on groceries today before we go for patrolling" He must be talking to himself, because I for one am lost in a chocolate haze.

"Take a bath once you are done with drinking that and come to the kitchen. I'll make something for us. I've taken the liberty to invite Hades and Becs over and they'll be here in-" He looks at the clock on the wall, "An hour... and Miss Bishop will be here half an hour after them, so we'll have enough time to explain them the situation and all..." He says and gets off the bed.

"When did you wake up?" I ask his retreating back.

"Half an hour before you" he turns to face me with a curious look on his face, wondering where I am going with this.

"Did you take a bath?"

"No. I will, once I am done with putting together our food"

"Oh.... feel free to join me. We'll save water and you can wash my hair" I say nonchalant, hiding my grin behind the brim of the cup.

He gives me a look, "Pretty sure if I join you, we'll do anything but save water" And walks out of the room with a small smile on his face.

I finish my hot chocolate, pick out some random clothes from the wardrobe and roll my eyes at my reflection when I see I have managed to give myself a chocolate moustache, before making my way to the en suite bathroom to clean up and prepare to face my brother, all the while wondering what it would be like for me to share a shower with my Spice.


I had the weirdest shower ever.

I am not sure giw one can have a weird shower, but I know I really did.

I mean it wasn't weird per say, but it was not normal, I swear.

First- I couldn't feel Sel all the while I was in the shower, and my mind, which roams ever so often when I am standing under a spray, was fixated on my mate, and his body. Sans clothes.

That wasn't the weird of it, halfway through, I started picturing my Mate in the shower beside me, and initially I thought he had taken me up on my offer to come and join me, but when I reached out to touch him, I touched air.

And that's not the weirdest part (because who doesn't picture their mate in the shower with them?), the weirdest part is, where the ensuite bathroom I was in was white, the area where I could see my mate had a blue background.

What I am trying to say is, it almost felt like I could see my mate taking a shower in the other bathroom.

What sucks though is that I was so confused that I didn't even get to explore my Mate's body. The lower half of it, I mean.


"What you thinking about?" He asks as he taps my shoulder and places a huge plate piled with bacon, eggs and waffles in front of me.

"Huh?" He motions for me to stand,  so I get of the barstool I was perched on, watching him cook.

He plops down on the barstool and then stares at me.

I look around the kitchen/dining room, realizing just now that there are no more barstools in the room. Or even chairs.

"Where are the chairs?" I swear there were like a dozen of them just the other day.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Where stories live. Discover now