29. Fantastical Feasts

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Telling Ephram 'yes' the next morning initiated a hurricane of activity. In just days, all of Ursula's personal property had been moved into the palace. King Triton, in his thoughtfulness, requested Psamanthe and Halimede to add some feminine touches to her quarters as a welcoming gift. There was a ceremony at the temple installing Ursula as High Priestess, and an intimate party hosted by Melisande and Dismas afterward. Prince Ganeon crashed the party to the delight of all. Ephram gave her some parting instructions the next morning—mercifully, she wasn't hung over this time—and left for foreign waters.

That is how, less than a week after the king's coronation, Ursula came to live alongside the royal family.

The first thing she did in her new home was rip open the envelope containing the list of merfolk with knowledge of the Dark Arts. Her eyes widened when she came to Dismas. But it made sense: if you're going to work on dead people, it might be useful to be certain they are actually dead, and not under some awful spell. She was less surprised to see the Diaphanous on the document. There were twelve names listed in all, but she didn't know any of the others very well. It seemed odd, as she know most of the magical folk in the temple quite well.

The next thing she did was flip through all the books on the Dark Arts that Ephram had allowed to stay. None of the texts covered Transformations. Most of it was about necromancy. "He's really pushing divination, isn't he?" Ursula grumbled to Flotsam and Jetsam. They grinned at their master, and Flotsam slammed shut the book that lay before her with his snout. "Good boy," she mumbled. "Where are the guides to winning over queens that are as cold as the waters of Arctica?" she sighed to the pair. Jetsam rushed over to the shelves, searching earnestly for a relevant title. Ursula laughed. "I'm afraid we'll have to write our own book, my sweet. Just as soon as we figure it out."


It was time to go to work as High Priestess, even though she still wasn't sure what that all entailed. Ursula loved that her quarters opened right into the garden that sat between the palace and the temple: it offered beautiful views, and it took no time at all to get to the temple now. It was a pretty morning, so Ursula entered the coral labyrinth at the heart of the garden and meandered through it slowly.

When she exited the other end, she saw two flickering masses just outside the temple entrance. It was Bernhardina and Wemegreth, and they were waiting for her.

"Good morning!" they squealed as Ursula drew closer. "How can we help you, Venerable Ursula?" They were solid now, beaming and bright-eyed.

The High Priestess chuckled. "Oh girls, that title makes me feel old! I thank you all the same. Let me see what needs to be done, and I'll let you know."

The three of them entered and found Cosmas waiting just inside the door. His face lit up when he spotted his new pupil. "Good morning, Ursula Most High," he said. "May we speak?"

Ursula's hands flew to her hips. "Alright, everyone stop it with the names. Just call me 'Ursula', as you always have. Girls, that's your first task. Go spread the word. Yes, Cosmas, I have time to talk."

As the cuttlemaids scurried away, Cosmas led Ursula to his chambers.

"I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be working with you," he began. "Ever since we had that conversation about dreams and portents, I've wanted to go deeper with you. Ephram told me you are particularly interested in predicting dangers so as to protect others. Is that correct?" He grinned, crinkling the corners of his deep brown eyes.

"It would be a good skill to have," Ursula responded vaguely.

"Yes it would!" Cosmas nodded. "But first, I need to tell you about a recent prediction that's been made pertaining to yourself. No danger involved."

"Go ahead."

"We are expecting a huge influx of magical folk into Atlantica now that you are High Priestess. Word has spread about you, and about our new king, and everything that happened at the hearing with Prince Alphon. They will be coming from everywhere, seeking to start a new life here."


"It's exciting, no? I remember how I felt when I arrived here." Cosmas smiled wistfully, his handsome dark features softening as he recalled something.

"It sounds like busy times are ahead."

Cosmas returned to the present. "Oh yes. I know you'll be busy getting everyone settled. But I want you to know I'll accommodate your schedule, no matter how crazy it gets, to carry out your training."

"I appreciate that, Cosmas."

"It's my honor. So...when would you like to start?" He interlaced his fingers, leaning forward with eagerness.

"Give me a day or two to establish a routine. I've kind of been thrown into this, you know."

"Of course, Ven—uh, Ursula. Of course."


Ursula didn't have to formulate a plan to approach the Queen Mother. Tentacled merfolk soon trickled in from every corner of the seas, just as foretold. Ursula met with Triton, Ganeon, and Galataye every morning to update them on the influx. The young king decided that Ursula and Galataye would work together on coordinating shelter for the new arrivals, so they began to spend a great deal of time in one another's company.

Ursula's empty abode was occupied first. Young arrivals without parents were placed with willing families. New homes had to be constructed for many others, which meant resources and labor had to be organized. Galataye was crisp and efficient as she worked with Ursula to welcome and situate everyone.

Sometimes, Ursula felt Galataye was growing warmer, only to see things reversed back into a businesslike relationship the next day. It was frustrating, but at least she no longer felt the Queen Mother hated her. The improvement was real, but it wasn't enough to satisfy.

Ursula lamented this state of affairs to her king one night, after she had been working with his mother for weeks.

"You've laid a really good foundation with her," he said. "Why don't you help the twins plan her birthday celebration? I think that would touch her, as it's not your responsibility to do so and she knows how busy you already are."

Ursula kissed him. "I'd be happy to. I must help plan yours, as well. I can't believe I don't know when your birthday is."

"Our birthdays are clustered together. Mother's is next month, Ganeon's is the following, and the month after that is shared by the twins and myself."

"Such fun! I think Psamanthe and Halimede deserve separate parties, don't you?"

Triton laughed. "I've never thought about it, but they'll love you for that."

"And you, Your Majesty?"

"I love you for everything you do."


Thus commenced a period of feasting and celebration that was unlike anything Ursula had ever experienced before. She ended up assisting with all the events, each more lavish than the last. She would eat to her heart's content—Ganeon, with his lean build, was surprisingly the one that kept pace with her—and after the Queen Mother retired for the evening, she would drink as she pleased at the after party.

During this time, Ursula filled out; her curves were restored to their former glory. Her dresses became more daring and elaborate. The after parties became more decadent. Cosmas wouldn't get off her case about training, so she invited both him and Amoret to all the after parties, hoping to ignite a distracting romance between them. Amoret certainly did her part, looking gorgeous and flirting expertly at every turn.

Ursula discovered she loved dancing at these private revels. As the hour got later, Sebastian's music became wilder, more infectious. She would dance with Ganeon, with Amoret, with Cosmas, stealing glances at Triton all the while. He would watch with pleasure but never joined in, as he always maintained a certain level of regal composure and restraint.

Then he'd more than make up for those long hours of self-control at the private after-after party he and Ursula held in the early morning hours.


[Header art "Goblet" by wb-skinner; see more by this talented artist at https://www.deviantart.com/wb-skinner]

Ursula's BeginningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora