Dragon Ball Z Meets My Little Pony

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AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! Goku charged at Bills the god of chaos unleashing a flury of kicks and punches. The God just simply sidestepped him and slapped our hero with his tail. " Is this the best you can can do? "Don't make me laugh." "hehehe you haven't seen nothing yet ." with a loud shout he turns into the legendary ssj5 (I forgot to tell you this battle takes place 4 years after Goku's first fight with Anubis and yes Bills and Anubis is the same god.)

The God of destruction looked slightly surprised but nothing serious he's fought with ssj5's before and the strongest one only reached about 1/4 his true power. But there was still something bothering him about this particular sayian "KAAAMEEEEHAAAAAMEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!!!" and with that he unleashed a white hot beam 50,00000 times stronger than the red kamehame wave, Bills threw up his hand and simply knocked the beam aside as if it were little more than a peanut, Bills then disappeared and reappeared behind him. Goku blocked just in the nick of time and did a side kick to the gods arm. Much to Anubis's surprise the kick broke his arm. Goku put every ounce of strength into the attack. Goku started glowing red, his eyes changed from a green teal to an icy blue he flew and punched the purple alien making him cough up blood.

That all you got bills you must be slipping Bills just smiled and replied " Oh I'm full of tricks Sayian" Anubis snapped his fingers and a giant vortex in the sky appeared. our hero just looked at it in confusion " Okay what is th... He was cut short by a sudden gasp of pain Anubis punched him in the stomach and before the Sayian could recover the god side kicked Goku into the vortex and with that the vortex closed "Have fun on your new world Goku" Bills said to himself.

Meanwhile in equestria

"how many times do i have to tell you fluttershy im not wearing a bunny costume for your animal party. Its embarrassing and degrading" Rainbow Dash replied, one of the best pegasi in Equestria. "Come on Dash it won't be that bad no ones going to see you pleaseeee" fluttershy pull out her most adorable face that would make the most cold-hearted of people melt with adorable-ness. Dash not being able to resist the cute face sighs and hoof-palms herself. "Fine you win Shy but im not going to wear the costume any longer than I have to got it?" "yes Dashie thank you". Flutters let out a happy squee and rainbow just rolled her eyes. She was getting ready to say something when they noticed an object hurtling toward the ground at thousands of miles per hour. The object crashed into the ground making a huge explosion. "What the" they both said in unison. "Come on lets go check it out. the  cyan mare exclaimed in excitement and curiosity. " I don't know Dash it might be dangerous." "Please come Flutters". Well if you really want me to go with you then I'll do it.

Goku slowly got to his feet and noticed the huge crator he had created "Well thats going to leave a mark in the morning... wait a second why does my voice sound weird". He noticed a pond nearby and flew toward it to get a good look at his reflection "Gaahh I'm a kid again but how" Goku then realized it must have been because of that strange portal. "it must have been the portal. it somehow took the years out of me making me a kid yet again" The sayian thought to himself. He was now ten years old body wise but it in no way affected his powers he was still just as the strong as before he entered the vortex. "Thats good at least." Then Goku sensed two creatures walking toward the crator.at first goku percieved them as a possible threat but when he sensed both of their power levels one only had 15 percent the other one only had 10 percent they could hardly do any damage when attacking together much less be a threat. goku relaxed and decided to meet the natives of this universe. He didn't have to wait long

The two mares were talking about what could have made the crash.  "Ten bits says its a spaceship" its the only possible explaination the crator would have being this big we're not even their yet and i can see that it covers 1/3 the park. They finally reached the crator and gasped as the looked on the edge, "What is it" Rainbow asked" "I don't know what species the creature is" replied Fluttershy but judging from his body structure I would say he's male and is no older than a child The creature took a look at the ponies with confusion on his face and then suddenly passed out. "Oh my" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Rainbow Dash can you help me get this creature to my cottage i'm afraid he might be hurt" "sure no problem". With that said the two pegasus flew the unknown creature to fluttershies house.

Goku saw the two ponies and was surprised to see them their to top it off they were multicolored and had wings. The young sayian was about to say something when he suddenly felt so tired that he just fell unconsious. What seemed like eight hours later our young hero awoke to something poking at his back. He slowly opened his eyes and and saw a pair of deep blue eyes staring back at him. Instead of being surprised like most people would be he was just curious. the eyes belonged to the yellow pegasus. "Umm h-hello m-m-m my n-name is f-f-f-fluttershy. W-whats yours?" Goku just stared at the pony now he was surprised, a pony that has the ability to talk, he wouldn't have believed had he not seen it."Maybe he doesn't talk." Rainbow Dash replied "Uhh my names Goku." Goku replied somewhat confused.how about you?" He asked the cyan mare. My name is Rainbow Dash best and fastest pegasus in ponyville and possibly in all of equestria"she replied "Though I was wondering what type of species are you we've never seen your kind here before. "Well umm you see" Goku was stuttering because he still wasn't too king on speaking with ponies, it just didn't feel natural but in time he would grow to like the ponies and even become one of their best friends. I'm not from this universe I was sent here by accident while fighting an enemy bent on destroying my world.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy exclaimed worried " I wish their was something we could do to help. "Me to". The young sayian replied. "Unless there is someone here that can help me". "Actually I think I know someone who might be able to help". " Who " The sayain replied excitedly anxious to get results. "Princess Celestia."  "Princess who?" "Princess Celestia is the ruler of all of Equestria. She and her sister Princess Luna controll the rising and setting of the sun and moon." Rainbow Dash replied" "Neat so when do i get to meet this princess?" "Oh don't worry you'll probably meet her very soon. I'm pretty sure news of your rather shocking arrival here has already traveled to the princesses they'll probably be here within a week. In the meantime why don't you sleep here for tonight and in the morning you can explore around and get used to ponyville." For the first time Goku suddenly realized how tired he was. "Sounds like a plan." he yawned, and just as he was about to close his eyes he saw something strange about the two ponies, the yellow one had a picture of three butterflies on her flank and the other had a marking that consisted of a cloud with a rainbow colored lightning bolt on hers. "i'll have to ask them about it in the morning."  he thought to himself and he fell asleep

The next day... Goku explored around the town and it turned out most of the population of ponyville was... well... ponies. He passed by a cake shop called sugarcube corner, his stomach was growling signaling he was hungry. " Alright alright I'll get you something to eat" he said as he walked in.

The very second he put his foot in the door he was tackled unexpectedly the two beings rolled on the floor for a minute finally coming to a stop. When the dust cleared the Goku realized he was on the floor and when he looked up he noticed there was a pink pony sitting on top of him with a poofy mane and tail, whats more is this pony had a picture of 3 balloons on her flank. "Hey whats the big idea" he said slightly annoyed. "Hi im Pinkie Pie" she said as if she didn't hear Goku. "Are you new here i've never seen you before whats your name where are you from? The pony known as Pinkie Pie kept Jumping around Goku, Goku didn't need to be an expert in behavior to know that this was one hyperactive pony. "My names Goku and i'm new here". The young hero replied. "I'm from West City, Japan" "ooh I never heard of that place before wheres it at"? Goku was just about to answer when something happened a loud bang was heard throughout ponyville "What was that?" He asked.

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