Android 18 x Male Reader - I'm not Pretty

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(I'm gonna make the interactions diffrent, not like a y/n said so tell me if you like it)

(e/c)- eye color
(h/c)-hair color
(h/l)-hair length
(y/n)-your name
(F/f)-Favorite food
(D/n)- Daughters name
(S/n)-Sons Name
I watched as vegeta got his ass handed to him, he had no chance of beating that Android, but to be honest...He kinda deserved it, he challenged her but still She's kinda overdoing It. I couldn't watch my Uncle get beat up no more so I charged straight at her turning Super Saiyan and threw a punch her way, the attack made dust cover the small area I Felt my fist hit something hell yeah!! Soon the dust settled and I found that my hand had been caught none other than 18 herself.

18: You're pretty good

Y/n: I try to impress

And with that I tried to quickly kick at her only to have her grab my leg and threw me.

Y/n:Damn it

How could she be so fast my rage bursted how could I be defeated so easily? I stood up facing her again I slowly walked towards her, I don't know what was happening but I knew that my uncle was afraid not of 18, but of me my power was rising and I felt good.

18: w-what the hell, what are you?

Y/n: my name is y/n l/n and I'm the saiyan that will bring peace to this world

We charged at eachother punch after punch kick after kick none of us stopping to take a break.
*25 mins later*
I was breathing hard she just stared at me I was at my weakest why didn't she just end me

Y/n: *deep inhale* why are you just standing there? End me there's no place for a weak Saiyan

18: you're not weak but you are strong so how about I keep you alive for my enjoyment

Y/n: ehh! 'for your enjoyment' what the hell does that mean?

18:*giggles* nothing but ill see you later Pretty boy

18 stated before she flew off

Y/n: I-I'm not pretty

I Stated before drifting off to sleep
*Cell Games*
I Watched as Gohan was able to defeat Cell, and for every one it was a wash of relief to finally be able to live in peace. I got lucky too lately I've been wondering about why 18 meant on the day we fought of course I wasnt exactly able to ask because she was devoured by cells tail seeing this angered me but I had to keep my cool I didn't want anyone to know of our last conversation together thankfully no one found out or so I thought when 18 came out of cells mouth( I think) I instantly came rushing towards her, picked her up and ran back to my friends side's

Yamcha: y/n what the hell are you doing she'll kill us all

Tien: y/n! Just leave her.

Y/n: sorry guys but I'm gonna have to decline on that

I quickly threw a small ball of ki towards the ground creating smoke and I quickly flew towards one of my favorite get away places.
Once we were at my house I gently placed 18 on top of my bed her heart beat was calm, nice and slow Beat. Beat. Beat it went, if I could I would listen to it forever but I decided if she got up she probably would think I'm some kind of pervert so I decided to just make some f/f I loved it and hopefully she does too.

*18's P.o.v*

18: umf huh where am I

I slowly woke up on top of very comfortable bed I would stay but I don't know where I am, and the last thing I remember was cell consuming me and the- hey wait a minute

18: whats that smell *sniff sniff* is that f/f!?!

I ran around who evers house this is looking for the source of the smell and the more I explored it the smell of f/f was getting stronger, finally I turned the corner to see...

18: Y/N?!!

Y/n: oh hey 18 you want some f/f its actually pretty goo- woah woah be careful!

I walked towards him slowly power level rising and hugged him slowly crying into his shoulders

18: I- I thought every one had died I thought you died

Y/n: hey hey come on now everyone is safe plus im safe, though the rest of the z fighters may cone looking for me so I'm safe..... For now

Y/n finished nervously scratching the back of his head.

18 : oh o-ok well I know I was a threat before but now goku's dead so what sould I do?

*y/n P.o.v*

I watched as 18 asked me what the rest of her life should be seeing her like this hurt me but I had too keep strong and not show any weakness.

Y/n: 18 your life is your own and you chose what you want to do with it but remember I'm your friend and ill support you even if it means I'll be a criminal by Your side.

18 : I see thank you y/n, you've always been friendly towards me even when I was harming your friends and for that I owe you something.

Y/N: oh yeah and whats that?

18: oh go to the room and you'll see big boy

18 said before walking back to my room

Y/n: shouldn't we be married first?

18: no!, we first have hot love, then marriage

Y/n: Alright!

I stated going up to the room that changed my life forever.

----------------------Bonus End-------------------
I watched as d/n spared with s/n she was a little bit older but still she was kinda bullying him with her power.

S/n: *huff* someday ill be stronger than you just wait!

D/n: hah oh really I've been waiting since our first sparing match

Y/n: ok, ok you guys moms gonna make some f/f soon so we need to wash up and get ready for a nice food.

S/n//d/n: alright

S/n and d/n yelled flying towards the Washroom.

18: *sigh* they are too active sometimes.

Y/n: tell me about it, Pretty

18: I-I'm not pretty

Y/n: yea okay

(A/n I finished that request now then two more, and quick question do you like the way the dialogue was in this one?)

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