Ch 13 - Multiple Versions of Rhys Walker

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Chapter 13 - Multiple Versions of Rhys Walker

Something was ringing. Loudly. In fact no, it wasn't ringing, it was blaring. Blaring right in my bloody ear.

Whatever the Hell it was I wanted to smash that thing to smithereens, the noise was disturbing my not very peaceful sleep, it had my head shaking and pounding worse than a jackhammer.

"Turn it off." A deep voice near me groaned.

"You turn it off." I whined with a groan of my own.

My eyes blinked open slowly, did I just talk to myself in my room or am I still drunk?

The space to the left of me shifted slightly, a huff of air and a groan of pain came from the same direction, slowly I angled my head towards the sounds, I began to realise that I was not alone in my bed like I should have been.

I squinted through mascara caked eyes and blinked dumbly at what I saw, my pounding head was trying to process what was in front of me and inform my brain of what I was seeing, I blinked again. The ringing stopped in the background.

A shirtless sleeping Rhys was sprawled out in my bed, his face was inches away from mine, he was lying on his front, his right arm was under the pillow and judging from the weight across my waist that's where his left arm was.

I blinked again, my fuzzy brain didn't seem to be functioning properly, surely I'm dreaming?

His face twisted up and he let out another groan, alerting me to the fact that this was not a fucking dream.

My body tensed as panic seized me, holy shit, what did I do?

I ran through the event's of last night quickly in my head, I could remember practically everything. Only tequila had the magic ability of giving me memory loss and zero amounts of tequila had been consumed, at least by me, thank god.

I remembered getting to the house, drinking a lot with Keeley, seeing Harley and Rhys in their ridiculous outfits, dancing, more drinking, sitting outside singing, a piggy back ride, finding Keeley, more drinking, getting a piggy back ride home and then nothing. I was blank after that, how on earth did I go from having a piggy back ride home to ending up naked in bed with Rhys.

Jesus, was I actually naked?

My heart was beating twice as fast and sweat laced my forehead, anxiety coupled with a monster hangover was not a good mix, my stomach was rolling from the pairing; I glanced down at my body and breathed a sigh of relief when I seen my red dress.

I'd never been so happy to be wearing a red dress in all of my life.

I turned my eyes back to the sleeping man beside me, what on earth was he doing here? And why was he sprawled all over me? In my panic I hadn't realised that as well as his arm being over me his leg was also tangled with mine.

"Rhys," I gulped.

No response.

"Rhys," I muttered, making my voice slightly louder, I didn't dare go above that volume though otherwise we'd both suffer.

He groaned again and blinked his eyes open slowly.

"Hi," He muttered after a moment of staring.

I would've slapped him if it wouldn't have took me too much effort, hi, that's all he has to fricking say?

"What are you doing here?" I croaked, I moved up the bed so that I was half sitting half laying against the headboard, my head throbbed from the movement making me wince and clutch at my head, as if I could stop the pain by trying to hold it together.

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