Ch 4 - One Movie Quote Per Day

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Chapter 4 - One Movie Quote Per Day

Keeley bent over and yanked on a small silver handle in the middle of the huge shutters. She stood back as the shutters rolled upwards with a loud creaking noise, the minute those shutters were up I swear I was almost blasted back from the force of the music.

Have you ever been somewhere so loud that your chest vibrates with the music? Yeah that's what it was like, I could practically feel my face shaking.

Keeley grabbed my hand and pulled us in, my jaw dropped at what was in front of me. A swarm of people were grinding and gyrating against each other, their movements disjointed and confusing from the different coloured strobe lights.

I couldn't believe how many people were down here, what if there was a fire? How on earth would everybody get out? I felt myself be pushed towards the the direction of the writhing bodies, I looked back at Keeley, she wanted us to go through them?

The words she shouted at me were lost in the volume of the music, "What?!" I mouthed back at her holding my hands up.

She rolled her eyes and pointed over the crowd, I craned my neck to see she was pointing at the huge bar, it was the length of the full wall. I nodded my head and grabbed her hand, no way was I getting lost in here. I pulled her through the sweaty crowd of dancers heading towards the general direction of the bar, I yelped every now and then when I felt the odd hand where they shouldn't be. Yep, this skirt was way too short.

I sighed in relief when I saw the bar was close, with one more yank on Keeley's hand we were through the mob of people and at the bar. I collapsed against it, somehow out of breath.

"Please Keeley, don't make me do that again." I whined into my hands, obviously she didn't hear me over the loud music.

I took a deep breath and stood up straight, on the bar in front of me were two shots. I turned to face a grinning Keeley who pointed at her own two shots and did a tipping motion with her hands, signalling she wanted me to drink them.

I looked them over wondering what was in the small glasses, if the salt around the edge of the glass and a tray of limes had anything to do with it then I'd guess they were tequila. I groaned, oh lord this was going to be a messy night.

Maybe I wouldn't be as nervous to meet Keeley's friends if I was a little tipsy. Liquid courage and all that, it'll loosen me up a bit.

Feeling better about the whole situation now that alcohol was on the table -literally- I gave her a grin of my own. I pointed to the salt, shot and then the lime, making sure she knew that's the order we were going to do them in.

She nodded and grabbed one of her glasses, I did the same and looked at her for the countdown.

"1...2...3." we counted together. I licked the salt from the rim of the glass, knocked the shot back quickly, instantly feeling the familiar burn at the back of my throat travel down my chest and sucked the lime to chase the taste away.

I scrunched my face up at the taste and banged my fist on the side of the bar, shit, that stuff was strong.

"Wooo." Keeley hooted shaking her hair and shoulders.

I laughed at her hoping I didn't look like an idiot, I'm famous for having a bad shotface. We quickly repeated the process not wanting to feel the effects from the beginning again by waiting too long.

Okay, now I don't feel as nervous to go and meet a shitload of people I don't even know.

I was relieved when Keeley ordered us beers next, I didn't want too many shots at once and end up being sick.

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