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Hey there :)

Okay, so this is my first story, any and all criticism is welcome .. Don't be too harsh pls hahaa :).

I love anybody who reads this, you're amazing :D!



I let out a big breath through my nose and internally groaned. Please not again.

"I just don't see why you can't stay and go to school here."

We had been having this argument for weeks now, ever since I'd told him that I had been accepted to finish my last two years of university in America and that I would be leaving soon. We'd had the same argument what feels likes a hundred times now and I was thoroughly sick of the topic.

I turned around and faced my boyfriend of two years; his tense frame suggested that he really wasn't happy about the situation. It wasn't like I was either. I threw my hands up in frustration.

"What do you want me to do James? I have this amazing opportunity to study abroad and I can't pass it up!" I shouted at him "You know, if you truly loved me like you say you do, you wouldn't be fighting this so much. You should be encouraging me to go chase my dreams or whatever, not holding me back. You would let me go because it would make me happy." I said heatedly.

"And, you know better than anyone that I just don't want to be here anymore." I whispered feeling drained from the arguments.

I felt his arms snake around my waist; I locked my hands together around his neck eventually looking up into those chocolate eyes that I'd loved for years now.

"Of course I love you and I obviously want you to be happy but I just can't stand you being so far away from me." he whispered in the sad tone that I'd gotten used to recently. I hated that I was causing him so much pain but I needed this, this was something I had to do.

"It's not forever, I'll be back for the holidays and every other month for a weekend and when I'm settled in you can come visit. It'll be over before we know it, It's only two years." I responded while softly brushing my lips against his.

"A lot can happen in two years Vi." he said darkly.

"I need this babe, I need to get away and you know why." I said desperately, trying to make him see it from my point of view. I reached up and pushed his dark blonde hair away from his face waiting for his answer and examining his face for any kind of acceptance of my decision.

Different emotions flashed across his face before finally settling on sadness mixed with acceptance, looking very defeated. He nodded while looking deep into my eyes.

"Yeah I know you need to do this Vi, but I just don't know what I'll do without you," a small smile played across his lips "besides Ruby needs you too."

I raised my eyebrows at this, this was new. He must be desperate if he's using Ruby as an excuse to get me to stay. Let's just say that they aren't the best of friends. I let out a sad laugh at the mention of my best friend because after all he was right, he wasn't the only one I was leaving behind.

"Nah, she'll be okay." I smiled up at him. I leant up and kissed him hoping that this was the end of the argument and we wouldn't be doing it again, he returned the kiss hungrily his hands roaming over my body. I pulled away before we got too distracted as I still had a lot of packing to do.

"Okay I know I won't change your mind and you'll still go anyways but are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to leave everybody behind?" he said in annoyance.

Translation; am I sure that I wanted to leave him behind? To put it simply, the answer was yes. Things with James were just too much lately. As much as I loved him I just felt like I was drowning and I couldn't breathe properly. I think the space would help our relationship that was quickly becoming very strained and stressful.

I reached for his hand and grazed my thumb over his knuckles; I looked up into his eyes hoping that he would see the determination in mine and that I wasn't changing my mind anytime soon.

"I swear it'll be over before we know it." I chimed repeating myself from earlier "We'll visit and we'll video chat and text all the time, in fact I reckon you'll be sick of me." I grinned up at him hoping to lighten the situation. He looked back at me with the sad eyes. Ugh I was so sick of the sad eyes! He's always trying to guilt trip me into changing my mind.

"I just don't want things to change." he said. I refrained from rolling my eyes, knowing that I'd just make things worse if I did that. I was gradually becoming annoyed at repeating this argument again when I'd thought we were finished talking about this.

"But you know sometimes change is good, we have to change to keep moving forwards." I answered firmly. I smiled at him and stretched up on my toes to place a quick kiss on his mouth.

I skipped away pulling him with me hoping that it was over now and we wouldn't talk about it anymore.

"C'mon I need help packing, I leave in a week you know." I said shooting him a smile.

"I know Vi, I know." he sighed tiredly.



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Tilli xo

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