Chapter Fifteen -- 267 Departing

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~~Your POV~~

  Your mother rushed out to the car, dragging you with her. She sped out of the parking lot and raced down the road at almost full speed.

  "M-Mom, why are we going so fa-" You stopped as you saw the flames. Your mother stopped the car and slowly got out, "M-Mom, is that . . . our place?" Your body started to tremble. A couple of fire men walked over to your mother.

  All you could hear was mumbling, you didn't know if you wanted to know what they were talking about. Your mother started to sob into the mans shoulder, he comforted her. Three men came up to you, "W-What are you . . ." They grabbed you by your arms.

  "H-Hey, let me go!" You squirmed, they didn't loosen their grips, you looked back at your mother, "M-Mom?" She fell to the floor revealing the man had a knife, your mothers' blood dripped from the sharp point.

  Tears flowed down your cheeks like rivers, "Are you sure she asked for just the girl?" One of the men asked.

  "Yeah, I'm pretty sure," Another answered, you weren't thinking right, you bit one of the guys knuckles causing him to let go, you slugged the other guy with your free arm and started to run, you didn't know where, you just ran till you couldn't run anymore. You were deep in the forest by this time, lost, lonely, cold.

  There were lights in the distance, they were still looking for you. You sat against a tree in a fetal position, you couldn't think of anything else to do, you couldn't run due to your legs giving in a while ago. You sobbed and waited, not being able to tell weither the footsteps were getting closer or farther.

  It seemed like forever but the footsteps finally stopped, the only sound that could be heard was the chirping of birds and other animals of the night. You stood up and looked around before starting to walk again.

  Tree branches hit your face causing it to scratch multiple times, then you took the tickets out of your pocket. "I'm sorry Andrew . . . it's not safe for me here . . ." You continued to walk straight, when you meet a traintrack just follow it back.

  You continued to walk, jumping at every noise, you breathed in and continued to walk. After a while you entered an opening and immediately tripped on something. You squinted your eyes to see what it was, 'The traintracks! Now if I follow them going this way I should be able to reach the station!' You started to follow the tracks, you were a bit sad but you had to do it.

  You must have gone far from town, it took you about an hour to get to the station, at this hour it was practically deserted, the only people there were teenagers doing stupid stuff and being rebellious.

  You sat in the bench and looked at the ticket, the train pulled up and you looked back at the station and what you could see of the town and sighed, a figure waved goodbye to you, you waved back and started to enter the train, then you stopped yourself, "Wait, who are you?" By the time you turned around the figure was gone.

  You walked into the train and took your seat, "Train 267 now departing from Blytonbury," The voice said through the intercom, as the train departed you looked out the window, the town slowly left your view and the train slowly picked up speed.

  Your stomach felt like a pit, you felt your heart rip apart, you sniffled and looked out the window, just open plains, rain started to lightly patter against the windows. The sun started to rise over the horizon and you drifted off into a deep sleep . . . knowing that when you woke up, you'd have to start new, all by yourself, without . . . mom.

~~Andrews POV~~

  I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I turned the news on, "One found dead, one missing. The women comfirmed dead was identified as Denice, the one that went missing . . . (Y/N)." My eyes widened.

  I quickly shut the T.V. off and paced around my room, I didn't want to believe it, I looked at my phone and dialed her number . . . no answer. "Dammit." I set my phone back on the table. The bell rang for breakfast, I got up and walked to the table.

  "Son, I heard what happened, finding out who did this is our top priority," He said, I looked up at him and smiled.

  "Father . . . may I help in the investigation?" I asked.

  "You shouldn't get tied into this." He took a bite of his food.

  "Father, even if I can't marry to her or be in a romantic relationship with her, I will protect her . . . till my last breath." He looked up at me, "Father, why are you crying?"

  He suddenly whiped the tear from his face, "If you wish to . . . I guess I can't stop you," He said, he still seemed a bit zoned out.

  "Father . . . you have something you want to tell me?" I looked over at him.

  "No . . . it's nothing." He refused to look me in the eye, thats a big lie and I know it, but I can't force anything out of him, the rest of breakfast went without talking, we just ate our food.

  He went straight to his room, whatever I said must have bothered him, maybe I should do something to show I'm sorry. There were so much things on my mind, where was (Y/N), what is my father so irritated about, what are those killers after, I continued to sit down, the empty dining room helped me think.

  I noticed a locket sitting on my fathers chair, I walked over to it and hesitantly grabbed it. I opened it and my eyes widened. "N-No way . . ." I dropped the locket and fell back into my chair, "M-Mom . . . I-I thought I was adopted, I thought . . ." I burried my head in my arms, sobbing into them.

  "That lying bastard . . ." I mumbled.


  This chapter was mainly a chapter to vent out all of the negative feelings inside me, also I chose to do a new ending and this chapter was needed for that, so anyways, sorry for the feels!

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