Chapter Twelve -- The Unexpected Visit

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~~Your POV~~

  You smiled as you walked into the kitchen, your favorite food was cooked and sitting on the counter to cool off. You wanted to cry, you didn't realize until now how much you missed home. You sat down and fiddled with random things on the table.

  Your mother gave you a hug from behind, "I can't say it enough, I love you," She said with a smile on her face. She set some of the food on the table and you almost immediately grabbed yourself a plate, starting to dig in way before your mother got her plate ready.

  "So, when you ran away, where did you go exactly?" She asked between mouthfuls of food. You gulped down the food you had in your mouth and drunk a bit of the glass of water you had.

  "I stayed at the Hanbridges place," You answered, knowing she wouldn't believe you. As you predicted she almost choked on her food, drinking some water to wash it down.

  "No way!" She blurted, looking at you like you were crazy. She suddenly looked amazed, "If that's true, that's amazing! I bet it was fancy, nice, relaxing!" She smiled at you, "Tell me all about it!" You sighed and smiled back.

  "I guess I don't have a choice . . . it all began in the park, the night you kicked me out . . ." You continued for hours telling her about your time there, "A-And I think I . . . I like Andrew." Your mother looked up.

  "Young love, no matter what the force is, you can't separate it," She stated as she looked back at you, "So, what happened after the night on the town?" You looked at the table, feeling a sting in your heart as she said it.

  "H-He kicked me out . . . but I think it was the orders of his father, Andrew wouldn't do something like that," You said softly. You looked out the window at the beautiful view, the sky was tinted orange from the sun.

  "Hey, cheer up!" Your mother stood up from her chair, "The marathon is playing tonight!" She said excitedly. You smiled and stood up, following her into the living room. She turned the T.V. and flicked through a couple channels, you saw the Hanbridge family on the news.

  "Mom, stop!" You ordered, she stopped flicking through the channels and turned the volume up.

  "And in tonights new, the Hanbridge family faces tragedy as one of their members, Nichole Hanbridge, had to be sent to the emergency room, stay tuned for more deta-" You turned the T.V. off.

  "Mom, we have to see her!" You hollered. She nodded and got up, putting her jacket on. You both put your shoes on and headed out the door to the car, you repeated in your mind, 'I hope shes ok, what happened?' You quickly got in the car, insisting your mom to drive quickly.

(20 minutes earlier) ~~Andrews POV~

  I opened the door to my sisters room and my eyes widened at what I saw, my sister, bleeding from all over, laid on the ground. I panicked, "Father!" I couldn't think of anything else to do, I didn't know I had tears flowing like a river down my cheek. I was partly in a state of shock.

  "What is it son?" He asked, adjusting his tye. I knelt down to catch my breath.

  "Its Nichole, she's bleeding everywhere! Call 911 (I could do research, might edit it, idk)!" I shouted.

  "What?!" My father boomed, he rushed over to Nicholes room, I followed behind him. He looked away as his eyes fell on Nichole, covering his mouth with one hand, taking his phone out with the other.

  "Hello, medical services, this is Oak Hanbridge, yes I have someone that is . . . in need of serious help . . . thank you . . ." He put his phone away, "They should be here in a couple minutes," He said, I sighed in releaf, wiping the tears from my eyes.

  'Please be alive.' I repeated in my head. After a couple minutes the Ambulance rushed in, pushing me out of my spot, they lightly recovered the body and placed it on the medical tables, then rolling it into the van.

  I rolled my eyes as the news squad came in, but I didn't really expect them to stay away either. "Andrew, what are your thoughts on this tragic event?" She asked, waving the microphone in my face.

  "I don't wish to talk about it," I stated as I got up and walked away. 

  "Wait, we have more questions!" She shouted, I ignored them and continued to walk towards the limo my father had prepared.

  The limo started down the road as soon as you entered, he wasn't wasting any time. The drive was like normal, about 40 minutes, everyone crowded the sidewalk in hope to catch a glimps of me, it was like that the whole drive through town.

  The limo pulled into the hospital parking lot, I opened the door and adjusted the wrist cuffs of my suit as I got out. When the both of us got out the limo drove off, probably to find a parking spot. The two of us entered the hospital, everyone looking at us as we did, the assistant already seemed to know we would be here.

  "Room 387B," She said kindly, giving my father the ticket, he thanked her and started the way to the room. The hospital only had stairs so it took longer then normal, as they got to the second floor there was hollars and screams, then the third floor . . . completely silent.

  I followed my father down the hallway, he stopped in front of the room, opening the door for both himself and me. When we entered she was looking out the window, not even acknowledging we were there. We sat down, all of our attention was focused on a noice we heard from outside the room, suddenly the door burst open.

  "(Y/N)?!" I called, completely confused.

  "Andrew!" Her jaw seemed to drop.


  Hey, some of these words will probably be changed to better sounding ones or ones that make sense, like the emergency room is probably gonna be changed to something else, other stuff as well, anyways I just had an idea pop up in my head and I hope its good lol. See you guys next chapter!

Help Me Laugh (Female Reader x Andrew)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя