Chapter Seven -- Diana's True Colors

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  You woke up like normal, rubbing your eyes and yawning. You looked over at Nichole, 'Of course that lard is still asleep.' You thought. You sat up and looked at some pictures on the drawer. Seeing that Nichole and Andrew have such a good relationship made you smile.

  You looked over at the clock, it was earlier than you had originally thought. 6:55am. You sighed and laid back down in your bed, 'Might as well go back to sleep.' You thought. You heard footsteps outside your door, you didn't think about checking it at first but curiosity took over and you poked your head through the door.

  Diana was walking down the hall, not towards the side of the building everything you knew was on. You slowly shut the door behind you and trailed her from a distance. She opened a door and looked around to see if anyone was around, you quickly hid behind an indent in the wall and peeked over to see she wasn't there.

  You slowly approached the door, 'I bet she's doing something bad, I'll catch her red-handed!' You thought. You clutched the handle, 3 . . . 2 . . . 1! You swung the door open and there was a staircase leading up. You suddenly realized where you were, this was the staircase that led up to the roof! 'What would Diana do up here?' You asked yourself.

  You slowly made your way up the stairs, each step you took echoed. You finally arrived at the door that opened up to the roof. You slowly opened it and looked at Diana, she was sitting at the edge, looking out at the horizon. Step by step you got close to her, as you got closer the sound of sobbing became more evident.

  She suddenly stopped and so did you, she sniffled, "W-What are you doing here?" She asked. You sighed and sat next to her.

  "I-I don't know, I decided to follow you just in case you were doing anything bad . . ." You started to feel sorry for yourself.

  "I'm sorry," She said, you looked at her in a confused manner.

  "I know Andrew likes you, and you like Andrew . . ." She paused, "I'm in the same situation as him. I would gladly step out of the picture so you could go out with Andrew . . ." She wiped her tears away and looked out at the horizon.

  "Beautiful isn't it . . . the start of a new day." She sighed, "Maybe there is a way you could go out with Andrew . . ." She stood up and looked down. You grabbed her and pulled her back.

  "No! That's never the solution!" She just stood still and was completely silent. She smiled a bit and turned to face you.

  "I wasn't going to jump, I suppose I am smarter than you," She said in her usual prestigious accent. You smiled to yourself, you were happy to get Diana to open up to you about whether she wants to or whether she was in Andrews situation.

  You walked down with her and entered Nicholes room, staying up until she got up. "Good morning Nichole!" You said as soon as she woke up, causing her to jump a bit, you both just laughed. When the bell for breakfast rang you both shot up, "Breakfast!" You both shouted in sync.

  Breakfast was more or less the same, you and Nichole laughing about things, Andrews father mentioning business stuff and Diana talking with Andrew. Seeing them talk together used to bother you, but after finding out Diana is in the same situation as Andrew, it didn't bother you at all.

  You finished your breakfast and decided to walk around the manor, Andrew was the only one with free time so he decided to show you around and make sure you didn't get lost. Something caught your eye, the horse stables. "You have horses?!" You boomed as soon as you saw it. He chuckled slightly.

  "You want to ride them?" He asked, looking down at you, his emerald eyes pierced your (E/C) ones. You nodded and followed him as he started to walk to the stables. A couple halls later you found yourselves outside and on a trail to the stables. You were barely containing your excitement, skipping instead of walking. As you arrived at the stables you admired the beautiful horses, Andrew then ushered you to a room.

  He gave you a set of clothes, "Go change, I'll be waiting out here for you," He said. You nodded and walked over to the changing room. You got changed as fast as you could and put your hair into a ponytail (If you have short hair just ignore the ponytail part). You came out and Andrew looked at you in awe, he suddenly shook his head and entered the changing room. A couple minutes later he walked out of the changing room, he didn't look bad in the uniform, just not his best.

  He led you back to the main stables and walked you down the aisle, giving you time to look at each horse. You finally arrived at the end of the aisle, "So, which one do you like?" He asked. You thought long and hard.

  "The white one is pretty," You said. Andrew smiled.

  "So Snow it is," He walked over to the stall that the hourse was kept in and opened it, he led her out of the stall and got the saddle ready, "Have you ever ridden a horse before?" He asked.

  "Of course I have," You lied.

  "Ok good!" He helped you up on the horse and you almost fell off, you were scared out of your mind, 'What if it tramples me! Or, what if I make a complete fool out of myself!' Thoughts flooded your mind.

  "Hey, if you really don't know how to ride a horse, don't worry, I'm here," He said, giving you a smile, you smiled back.

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