Chapter Six -- The Day Out Pt. 2

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  As you got closer, the sound of the waterfall got louder, the trees seemed to open up more as well. You looked over at Andrew, this was amazing, whenever you were around Andrew you felt safe, you wanted to tell him but you didn't, you already embarrassed yourself enough.

  "Hey? Earth to (Y/N)," Andrew said, you quickly shook your head.

  "S-Sorry!" You responded quickly due to being nervous, you sighed and looked ahead again, there was a light, like in those stereotypical scenes in movies where there's a dark hallway and there's a single beam of light at the end. 'Finally the end of the trail!' You thought to yourself. As you stepped through the opening, you stared in awe, it was beautiful.

  The waterfall was an emerald color, the sunlight reflecting off the ripples in the water. The river was a bit windy and curvy, but clear as day. The rocks caused a disturbance in the stream adding to the beauty. On the other side of the river, there was a meadow type area with a single tree almost right in the middle casting a long shadow that enlarged because of the steady downward slope of the hill.

  Andrew walked to the river, dipping his feet inside, just slightly, "It's cold this time of year," He stated as he started to go farther across the river. He almost slipped a couple of times causing you to gasp and wince. Finally, he stopped and ushered you down, you reluctantly obliged.

  He reached his hand out to assist you in getting across the river, you took his hand and he guided you gently across the river. When your feet touched the grass it felt softer than normal, probably because the bottom of the river was coated in rocks and stones. Soon after you crossed, the rest of the people came through the opening, embracing the sun as they stepped through.

  They crossed the river and slowly walked up to the tree where you and Andrew sat. They set their things up and got comfortable, you sighed, "Did any of you bring food?" You asked as your stomach grumbled. They took out one of those picnic napkins and laid it on the grass, setting some sandwiches on it.

  As soon as they put some on your side you scarfed them down and took a drink from your water bottle. Everyone looked at you in surprise, they couldn't believe it, you ate twelve sandwiches in less than a minute.

  "You must have been hungry," Andrew said, breaking the silence. Diana nodded in agreement and looked through the box to see if there were any more sandwiches. Diana sighed as she saw there weren't any and sat against the tree, taking her book out and starting to read.

  Andrew stood up and started to walk down to the river, you soon followed. He took the overshirt he was wearing off and jumped in the stream. When he rose from the water, his hair was completely soaked and wasn't as refined. He swam around a bit until finally saying, "Come on in, it's pretty nice once you're in!"

  You sat down on the bank and dipped your toes in the water, "I think I'll stay here," You said as you felt the cool water gently glide over your toes. He smirked and swam closer, "W-What are you-" You felt the cold feeling of the water all over your body and regretted ever trusting that smirk. You shivered and sighed, "Fine, you win." You quickly jumped in to get the shock of the sudden change of temperatures over with.

  When you got in you quickly got used to the water and relaxed as you let the water consume you. Andrew splashed at you once again but this time you splashed back. Back and forth; Back and forth. Suddenly there was a huge splash and Nichole's head poked through the surface of the water.

  You looked up at Diana, she was looked down at the three of you, a look of sadness in her eyes. As she saw you she quickly went back to reading her book, you thought for a second before getting splashed again, causing a break in your concentration. You went back to playing with Nichole and Andrew, the look Diana had on her face was bothering you, it reminded you of when you first met Andrew, the first time you looked him in the eye.

  The sky began to get dark and the three of you got out, still laughing a little, mainly shivering from the cold. You dried off and sighed as you remembered you didn't have any extra clothes. You shrugged it off and started to walk back, Nichole by your side like always . . . almost always at least.

  It got dark real quick, there was almost no light, just from the moon, giving the surrounds a blue tint. Time seemed to fade as you looked up at the sky, you pointed out some constellations along with Nichole. You laughed every time she said one of the names wrong, which was a lot.

  Suddenly you realized how close you were to the entrance, the trip back seemed to take less time than the trip there. You both waited there for the others to arrive, it seemed to take them a lot longer, a couple twigs snapped and they walked stumbled into the parking lot.

  "A-Andrew, why are you so beat up?" You looked at all the scratched, they were up and down his shirt, they were all over his face, everywhere. He sighed and patted his hands down his suit, mildly wiping the dirt off.

  "Well you see-" His father cut him off.

  "He was attacked by some stupid badger." His voice seemed calm and emotionless like always. Andrew nodded in agreement and walked over to the limo, opening the door for both of them.

  You walked over to your personal limo, as did Nichole. The drive back was more or less the same, and as you entered the room you changed as quickly as you could and plopped on the bed, falling asleep right when you came in contact with the mattress.

Help Me Laugh (Female Reader x Andrew)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz