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*Cue Music*

"What!? How the... Everybody run! Wait, ALL THE DOORS ARE LOCKED!" 

As the scientists were frantically running around not knowing what to do, the dimension merging Quirk flashed and started to go out of control, the Quirk caused a singularity which started to slowly implode the building, before all the scientist suffocated to death, a scientist emailed the government the CCTV footage of the event... One might think that this is just a horrible mistake that killed many people with lots of potentials, but who said that this was an "accident", they had was coming towards them, now it time for this universe to suffer for there consequence...

2 Days Later:

As Midoriya was walking towards home, he noticed that the government officials were surrounding the school premises. As he tried to enter the school building, an official blocked his path.

"May I ask where you're going?" 

Midoriya: I was just...

But before he could finish, a crowd of UA students started to build up behind Midoriya causing a commotion and started to bring the attention of civilians.

"What's happening?..why are there officials in the school?..we need to get to class"

Before Midoriya could get away from the crowd, a familiar "friendly" voice occurred. 


Iida and Uraraka and the rest of class 1A enter and ask Midoriya what is happening.

Todoroki: Midoriya, what's happening??

Momo then answers Todoroki before Midoriya can.

Momo: From the looks of it, it seems like some sort of accident has happened or a villain group has escaped into the building and-

Before Momo could finish what she was saying, a group of high schoolers starts running away from two heroes, one being Eraserhead and the other being President Mic.

Kacchan: What are they doing in the school?? 

*Runs after them*

Class 1A: Wait, don't run!

Class 1-A use their Quirks to get over the Government officials to stop Bakugo.

2 Minutes Later:

After lots of running, Class 1-A finally sees the group corned by ErasureHead, Present Mic, and Bakugo.

Present Mic: Calm down, we don't mean to harm you.

As Present Mic distracts them, Eraserhead throws his scarf at the blue haired kid, only to see the boy back-flip and throw a plastic knife at his head.

Class 1-A was shocked to see someone escape ErasureHead's scarf and hit him back.

Obviously, Present Mic was Pissed at what they did.

Present Mic: It's obvious that you won't listen so we have to take you by FORCE!

As Present Mic runs at them, He tries to grab the kid, Only again to see the boy back-flip and hold the plastic knife at the hero's neck, Only this time to see the kid let go of the knife and clap which then somehow paralyzes the Hero

Midoriya: Whoa now, Everyone calms down, It clear that you are lost, Tell us what you need and why you are here.

Blue haired kid: I and my class were studying for a math test only to see a bright white flash and be standing here. Also, tell your friend to back off.

Midoriya: Well if you would let the hero's help, They can deliver you home, Also my name is Midoriya, What's yours.

Nagisa: My name is Nagisa.

Another kid with red hair whispers to him.

Red haired kid: Are you sure you should be telling them your name?

Nagisa: Yes, I'm sure. We need to trust them and they need to trust us.

The red-haired kid backs off.

Nagisa: Midoriya right? I was wondering if you could tell us what's with these people? All of them either has some sort of ability or doesn't look human.

Midoriya: Well they have Quirks obviously, Duh.

Nagisa: What's a Quirk?

Everyone in Class 1-A was shocked to hear that they don't know what a Quirk is, let alone a Hero.

Midoriya: How do you not know what a Qu-

Before he could finish what he was about to say, a gush of wind came out of nowhere with a mysterious figure that had yellow skin and an octopus-like body.

Nagisa: Korosensei! We have no idea what's happening, and what's with these so-called Qu-

Korosensei: I will explain everything in due's time, But before I do that...

Class 1-A all think at the same time: "The Unkillable-Teacher? What a weird name."

He turns around so fast that a woosh of air comes out of nowhere.

Korosensei: Hello, we haven't met before but my name is Korosensei and I'm what you call a villain. I'm also the biggest villain out there and will destroy the world on March 31st. 

*He smiles as he says the big surprise*

Korosensei: I will also be your teacher, so let's learn and have some fun!

'My Assassination Academia' BNHA X AC CROSSOVERМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя