Chapter 20. The route home.

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It was the middle of the night. They ran. Adrenaline pulsed at a million miles per hour through their veins. Up ahead Blizzard whooped with joy, letting herself run wild through the green grass. She had not a care in the world as she ripped off the pink collar from around her neck. They kept going until day break when they stopped to rest and find water. Then they were on the move once again, making better time returning home then they did when setting off. Once they reached Aggie, Johnny and Henry they would be able to rest properly. 

Once they had stopped to rest at dawn, Misto handed Sylvi over to Demeter whilst he went to find something to drink. The Jellicles had stopped in that same park where the Pollicles had attacked, just the thought of it made Misto's ankle ache. The magical tom wandered until he came across a puddle, he bent down and carefully rested his palms on the surface of the murky water. Seconds later a shimmer of violet rippled outwards from his paws and as it passed through the puddle, the water became clear and clean. He practically dunked his head into the puddle, grateful to have a drink at last, he was so immersed that he hardly heard the footsteps behind him. 

"Sup Sparkle butt." Tugger snickered. Groaning at the nickname, Misto continued to lap up the cool liquid. "Uh good job with the kit by the way." He mumbled. 

"Thank you." Mistoffelees replied simply, licking the droplets of water off of his lips. 

"Oh, you missed a bit." Reaching out, Tugger gently brushed the damp fur underneath Misto's nose with his thumb. He could feel the black and white tom lean into his touch ever so slightly and his breathing hitched. Almost automatically, Tugger's palm cupped Mistoffelee's cheek and a purr rumbled from the Maine Coon's chest. Suddenly, Misto's eyes snapped open and he stumbled back. 

"I-I should probably g-get some water for S-Sylvi." He stuttered, turning away from the Rum Tum Tugger. 

"Uh yeah." He replied, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise to his face. 


Calmly, Demeter rocked the tiny kitten in her arms, the way Sylvi was nestled against her chest reminded her of the triplets, how they used to bury their noses into their fur. Oh she missed George, Callus and Hariena dearly. Deme was glad to be going home but she was positively livid that she was unable to defeat Macavity, that she was unable to tear him apart piece by piece and see his blood run...Sylvi's mew brought the queen back to reality, Misto lifted the kitten from her arms and a smile appeared on his face as the little kitten cuddled into his soft white fur. 

 Whilst everyone else had been resting together, Angelo had placed himself further away from the group and sat silently on a bench. Noticing the tom all alone, Bombalurina sauntered over and pulled herself up beside him. 

"Have you had some water? We've got a long run ahead of us." She asked softly. His head turned towards the scarlet queen and their gazes met. 

"Yes, I have had some, have you?" He responded. She nodded. The tom's gaze went back to the distant hills, the sun was just beginning to rise, painting the sky with gold and pink streaks. "I've never seen a sun rise..." Angelo confessed. Bombalurina was taken back by the statement, she had frequently seen a sunrise at the Junkyard. "When I worked for Macavity, I rarely left the lair unless he had an outside job for me." He explained. "This sunrise is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Angelo whispered in awe as he admired the toasty colours of the sky. The scarlet queen couldn't help but crack a grin at the big grey tom's fascination with the sun rise. 

"Thank you for helping us escape." Bomba muttered.

 Finally drawing his attention away from the sky he smiled. "You're welcome." 

"Although you may have to explain to the boys that you were only following orders bringing us in. Well I suppose it did us a favour since we found Charlie." She chuckled, gesturing with her thumb to the toms behind. 

"I will don't worry." 

The journey to Blackstone Gate farm was rapid and Charlie could not stop blabbering the whole way about how excited he was to be reunited with his mother. The weather (unlike the last time they were there) was crystal clear and the young tom skipped ahead upon seeing seeing the gates in the near distance. 

"Momma! Momma!" Charlie squealed in excitement as he wriggled under the gate. Hardly a moment later and Aggie, Johnny and Henry sprinted out from the barn. The mother had never run so fast in her life, she was practically flying. As her and her son collided in an embrace they fell to the floor. 

"Charlie! Oh my goodness! Sweetheart!" She cried, the tears fell down her cheeks as she showered her son with kisses. Once they had managed to remain kneeling, Johnny and Henry joined the hug. Feeling overwhelmed by pride, the Junkyard Jellicles formed their own embrace. They had successfully reunited a family, at least one mission had been completed. 

"We cannot thank you enough!" Johnny beamed as they finally stood. 

"You're very welcome, Charlie is the absolute sweetest." Bomba gushed. 

"Yous should drop by the Yard some time! Charlie can play with the other kits!" Suggested Jerrie.  

"And I'm sure Old Deuteronomy would love to meet you all." Caligo added in. 

"That sounds like an excellent idea." Aggie grinned. 

"It would be an honor." Henry said. 

"Well we must be on our way, see you all soon!" Bomba and Caligo hugged Aggie, Mungo highfived Charlie and Deme embraced the small tom kit. 


The silk emerald robe that was usually draped over Blizzard's day bed was now clutched in a dark balled paw. Razor claws shredded the fine material and the Hidden paw roared in rage. Behind, Griddlebone winced as she watched the destroyed garment fall to the floor. A Henchcat skidded into the room, heaving breathlessly. 

"Sir, all of the prisoners are gone!" At this moment Macavity tried to stay as calm as could be. 

"Send Angelo out!" He barked in command. The Henchcat gulped loud enough to make Griddlebone face him in panic. 

"H-he's gone t-to..." This was the tip of the iceberg for Macavity. His Junkyard prisoners had escaped, Angelo had gone missing and his daughter Blizzard had vanished. The scarlet tom quivered in rage, both the Henchcat and Griddlebone backed away, fearing they would be caught in the blast zone. Spinning on his heel Macavity launched towards the Henchcat and secured his hand around the black tom's throat. 

"Get out of my sight before I kill you right here!" He spat. Within an instant the Henchcat was gone. 

"Oh Mac, just let Blizzard go. She has no use to you anyway." Griddlebone muttered, trying to divert his attention. In an instant the Hidden Paw backhanded the Persian queen. She crumbled to the floor cupping her jaw in pain. 

"You FOOL! She's my only heir!"  

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