Chapter 17. The Napoleon of crime.

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If any Henchcat under Macavity's employment knew anything about their master, it was that he always seemed to be one step ahead of anybody else and he knew what was going to be said. On this occasion he sat comfortably in his office reading over some papers that had been delivered to him earlier that day, there was a firm knock at the door. Right on time. "Enter." A dark grey Henchcat with tabby markings around his face stepped inside. Confidently, he strode to the center of the office where he waited to be addressed because Heaviside forbid someone spoke out of line. "Proceed." Macavity finally muttered, placing the papers on the desk beside him. 

"Sir they have entered your territory. We believe by the end of the day they will have reached an entrance." The Henchcat informed. The Napoleon of crime reclined in his chair, heaving a sigh of satisfaction. 

"How nice. I'd like our 'guests' to arrive sooner in fact, have a group sent out to bring them in." Macavity said with a sly grin. The Henchcat bowed, accepting his orders, before exiting silently. Macavity reveled in the fact that the Junkyard Jellicles were making this all so easy for him. He had already disposed of Munkustrap and now his pathetic coward of a little brother Tugger was practically knocking on his door! Not only that, he was bringing along that puny Mistoffelees, the idiotic Mungojerrie and the three queens that got away...

Yes everything was coming together nicely. 

Standing, the scarlet tom sauntered out of his office and down the dark corridor. He had been building his empire underground ever since he was banished by the Junkyard Jellicles many years ago, and now he was ready to take what should have been his, leadership of the tribe. 

Turning a corner, he passed a group of Henchcats on duty, guarding the entrance to the breeding kennels which was currently at capacity with kittens. Macavity rarely ventured down there but without his strict breeding regime there would be no Henchcats to be the muscle for him. Eventually, the Hidden Paw halted in front a door without guards, he entered without hesitation. 

"Blizzard." He drawled coyly, staring straight across the luxurious room he had entered. At the other end a princess rolled over on an exquisite antique day bed, and regarded Macavity with an unamused expression, her ice blue eyes cold and regal. Though her coat reflected a similar shape to a Persian, she had a brilliant golden coat with a long scarlet mane and tufts of orange fur over her body. Her body, though not fully matured, made Henchcat's jaws drop whenever she passed, one day she would make a fine asset to Macavity's empire. 

"Yes, father?" Blizzard yawned. 

"Where is your mother?" He questioned, glancing around. Blizzard shrugged

"I don't know, doing what she does I guess." The princess responded. Macavity  sighed and massaged his temples, he could feel the lines of stress creasing over his forehead, and it did not suit him. 

"Well my dear, she not meant to be doing anything unless instructed to!" He snapped, causing Blizzard to flinch. 

"What do you want me to do about it?! Mum does what mum does best! Whore around!" 

"YOU TWO will be the death of me!" He roared, suddenly he lunged forwards and grabbed hold of the pink collar around the princess' neck. She let out a yelp of pain as he pulled her up and dragged her out of the room. Macavity knew exactly where the mother of his daughter would be flaunting, so he practically flew down the corridors of his lair, pulling a stumbling Blizzard behind him. When they reached the Henchcat quarters, Macavity sent a blot of energy blasting through the door, knocking it right off of its hinges. Inside, an older pure white version of Blizzard was sprawled out on a decrepit couch, every inch of her was on show to the gawking toms that surrounded her...and she was enjoying every moment of it. "Griddlebone!" Boomed Macavity. Immediately, the Henchcats made themselves scarce, Griddlebone sat up, a seductive smile played on her beautiful features.

"Oh Mac, way to spoil a girl's fun!" She giggled, her tone was merry but there was a hint of spite mixed in. Blizzard rolled her eyes at her mother's antics and crossed her arms over her chest. Macavity's upper lip peeled back in anger, his sharp fangs were revealed with a hiss. 

"I keep you here for a purpose Griddlebone, not so you can act like the resident prostitute for my Henchcats!" 

"No, you have others to do that and I get to miss out on all of the fun." The white queen pouted in mock disappointment. When Macavity didn't respond she groaned in frustration. "I'm bored you fool! You have me trapped here like a Pollicle in a cage!" She whined. 

"That's because you have a daughter to look after." He replied flatly. 

"She's yours as well!" 

"Uh? Right here!" Blizzard chipped in irritably. Growling lowly, Macavity spun on his heel to face his daughter. 

"My dear...GET OUT!" He sneered. The princess' arms flew up in defense and she backed away from her parents, leaving them to bicker. Blizzard knew that nothing would come of the argument, they'd yell at each other for a while then go their separate ways. As she drifted down the lonely halls of her life, her ears swiveled around at the sound of distress and a lot of commotion. 

Coming up the corridor two Henchcats dragged along a kicking a screaming black and gold queen with a white bib down her chest. They were followed by another four Henchcats and two queens, one scarlet with a white bib and the other black with hints of grey across her body. They screamed in protest in passing. Blizzard pressed against the cold wall out of their way and watched in dismay as they rounded a bend. As quickly as they had appeared they disappeared, they were heading in the direction of the cells. 

Cats ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora