Chapter 6. The trolley olympics.

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A week had passed and Munkustrap was slowly regaining his strength in the nursery. The tom had remained unconscious for the first three days, Demeter had not left his side, but when he eventually awakened she practically re-fractured a rib when she enveloped him in a hug. He was surprised by the affection but he was glad that he had survived whatever had happened to him. 

"So you don't remember at all?" Demeter queried to her mate one morning. A few of the adult and elder Jellicles had gathered around to inquire about Munkustrap's injuries. 

"All I remember is Macavity." He replied gravely. 

A wave of gasps rippled around the room. Demeter and Bombalurina's expressions hardened, of course the mystery cat had done this. "But we haven't heard anything of him in years!" Skimbleshanks exclaimed. 

"It was too good to be true." Asparagus chipped in.   

"Are the rumors true? Is he stronger?!" Jenny asked with a shrill to her voice. Skimbleshanks took hold of one of the Gumbie cat's paws and bought it to his lips, planting a secure comforting kiss to it. Quickly, she felt the heat rise to her cheeks but she dismissed it and gave him a grateful smile. 

"I believe so. H-he lifted me with his power." Munkus explained. "After that I don't really remember anything." 

"He has to be stopped." Suddenly, Demeter growled. Her claws unsheathed and dug into her palms. Noticing this, Bomba took hold of her sister's paws in an attempt to calm her, she didn't mind all to much when she felt the prickle of Demeter's claws. 

"What do you propose, Deme?" 

"We assemble a group. Go after him." The golden queen announced. "I shall go." 

"The I'll be going as well." Munk meowed nonchalantly as he tried to rise to his feet. 

"Oh no you don't, you're still recovering." Jellylorum snapped, she knelt down to the younger cat's side and fluffed the pillows behind his head. 

"But Deme needs me!" He whined in protest, sounding very much like a kitten. 

"Munkus, Deme can protect herself, but I'd like to add that I'm going as well." Bombalurina declared with a grin. Munkustrap groaned at the idea but nevertheless slumped back. "Who else then?" 

"We'll have to consult the rest of the tribe, but Alonzo will definitely have to stay and remain in Munkus' duties." Demeter explained, which earned another unsatisfied grunt from the silver tabby. 

"I'm fine!" He yowled. 

"No you're not!" The Jellicles yelled back in unison. That shut him up. The sister queens rose up from their positions and sauntered out of the den triumphantly, only to walk out to an empty yard. There was not a single Jellicle to be seen. 

"Where the hell is everyone?!" Bombalurina shrieked. 


Somewhere on the other side of the junkyard, there was a tremendous clattering of metal followed by a roar of of cheers, hoots and clapping. 

"And Etcetera takes the lead!" Cheered Mistoffelees. Thundering around the specially crafted race track, Etcetera zoomed past the small roaring crowd of roaring Jellicles in her decorated racing trolley. Right behind, Electra was catching up in her red and blue cart. Many moons ago Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer had set up trolley racing, and this thrilling race was the singles race of the 'Trolley Olympics'. Cackling in delight, Cettie steered around a sharp bend, whipping past the front row.  She slapped paws and high-fived the adoring crowd. "Watch out Cettie, Electra is coming in fast!" Mistoffelees warned in his commentator's voice. 

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