Luna Arunika Zola

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,Carlisle,Rosalie and Emmett are stood outside the Black house, Sam had just called and asked them to come and help calm Areana down. The last few hours things have progressed quickly and right now her Vampire side is freaking the boys out to the point where Jared, Embry and Quil nearly phased in the house. The only ones who are okay near her are Jake, Paul and Sam. Areana asked Jake to stay with her and that is what he has done for the past five hours. Doing what ever she needed to get through the transition. Sam opens the door for the three and takes them past the pack and the council to Areana's room. Billy smiles at Carlisle when he passes.

"Don't worry Billy i will help her out as much as i can."
"Thank you Carlisle. I really appreciate it."
"Mr Black i know you are not fond of my family but your daughter and I have become really good friends over the past six months and I just want you to know that i will protect her at all costs."

Billy looks to the beautiful blonde and smirks.

"Areana talks alot about you and Emmett. She says your more of a psycho bitch than she is."
Rosalie chuckles causing the pack to look at her in shock.

"That i am although your daughter gives me a good run for my money."
Billy laughs and then an ear splitting scream followed by someone being thrown out of a room fills through the air. When Paul crashes to the floor everyone looks at him.

"Damn that girl is powerful."
"What did you do Paul?"
Paul looks to his Dad and smiles, Jonas groans and shakes his head.

"Seriously Paul you know she hates that at the best of times......"

A sweating Areana is stood behind Paul a menacing look on her face, a duvet cover in her hands. Paul turns around and sees the look on his best mates face. He starts stepping back holding his arms up in surrender.

"Riri it was a joke. I promise I just wanted to cheer you up for like two minutes."
"The thought of Bella being stung by a thousand bees cheers me up, Sam cheers me up but in what god damn universe does this shit cheer me up. You know i hate these things."

She throws the quilt at him and everyone sees IT the clown on the spread and Billy starts laughing followed by the pack but when Areana growls they all stop. Paul looks to his best friend and does his puppy dog eyes.

"Not going to work shit face, now stay still whilst i rip you apart."
Areana is about to lunge at him but Jake quickly grabs her from behind whilst Sam quickly stands in front of her cupping her face. He can see her eyes changing colour like a light switch being turned on and off.

"Baby lets get you back to bed. You are changing and I don't want you wasting any more energy okay baby."

"Im fine, I feel......"
Areana suddenly collapses to the floor taking Jake with her Sam quickly bends down and pulls her into him, tapping her cheek.

"Babe wake up. Come on angel wake up please."
Carlisle moves forward and kneels down. He asks for a pillow and Jake quickly passes him one, Carlisle places it under her head and starts to check her over. He suddenly freezes and looks at Sam.

"What's wrong? is she okay?"
"She needs to feed. The transition is taking a lot out of her. The half of her body that stayed mortal when she was bitten is now changing into a wolf but it's fighting against her hunter side. She needs to feed to stay strong."

Everyone looks around unsure what the hell is going on. Rosalie steps forward and rolls her sleeve up, she kneels down and places her hand onto Areana's lips.

"Rosalie are you mad?"
"Carlisle I have done this before. The other week Areana was about to flip out on Bella and she said that it was because she hadn't fed that much and with all the Bella protection detail, then the Volturi she has been using more energy than usually. Myself and Emmett have been helping her."
"We though it was the best way to stop her from her wigging out on everyone."

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