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Areana looks at everyone in confusion. Like she is supposed to remember who the hell Demetri is. Her body starts to lightly tremble and Rosalie goes to her and tells her to calm down.

"Riri it will be okay. I personally think that they are trying to use it as an excuse to get you as a member of the guard."

"There is only one person that i love and who loves me. That leech means nothing to me."

Areana's trembling gets worse, the Cullen's looking to each other for answers on how to calm her down but they all know there is only one person who can truly calm her down. Sam. Carlisle calls Sam and asks him to get to his as soon as possible. Carlisle puts his phone away and they try to keep Areana under control as long as possible but her temper being as bad as it is, is proving quite difficult. The arrival of Bella has her temper flaring to an all time high.

"You!! This is all your fault. Everything that goes wrong here is your fault. If you had just stayed away from forks or if he had just turned you none of this would be happening right now. Your going to pay for this Bella."

Bella stands there shocked and confused as to what she has done besides nearly getting Jake killed, that could have pissed her off. Areana is in her face now just staring at her like there is no one else in the room.

"Areana look I didn't mean to hurt Jaco...."

Before any one can register what has happened they hear a thud and then Bella is on the floor. Edward hisses at Areana who smirks at him.

"Bring it on pretty boy."
"Angel enough."

Areana snaps her head to where Sam, Paul and Jared are standing and feels her heart break. She sinks to the floor as the tears wash over her. Sam goes to her and kneels down he cups her cheek, seeing her cry is not something he deals with very well.

"Angel what is going on?"

"Sam i didn't do anything I promise. I didn't know and i don't feel the same."
"Okay does someone want to fill me in."
"When Areana went to Voltira one of the guards there is claiming that she is his mate."

Sam looks to Areana and smiles. She looks at him confused, why the hell is he smiling.

"Baby did you seriously think i was going to blame you. I know that it is not possible as you imprinted on me and i on you. This means nothing and if that leech thinks he is going to get you he can think again. How about we go back home and have a film night."
"That sounds perfect baby."

Sam holds out his hand and Areana takes it. Right now she just wants to be in his arms and no one else's. The past few weeks have been crazy and she just wants some normality. They say their goodbyes to everyone before going back to the reservation. By the time they get back the pack are there. As soon as Sam walks in they all look to them. He ignores them and carries Areana up to their room and runs her a bath. He kisses her softly then heads down stairs. He gets Seth and Quil to go to the store, then he orders Areana's favorite pizza.

"You all have the night off. I don't want to see any of you for at least a day."
With that said and as soon as Seth and Quil get back the pack leave so there Alpha and Luna can have a night off.

Fourty minutes later Areana walks down the stairs to see Sam sat on the sofa, on the coffee table is pizza and beer. Then there is a pile of comedies. Sam stands when he sees his mate and pulls her to him. They share a kiss and then take there seat on the sofa. Areana cuddling into Sam, just needing his embrace to make her feel safe. Sam kisses the top of her head and feels the pain she is in. Everything that has happened the past few months since she has been back has taken there toll on her.

"Baby are you okay?"

"Yeah. Sam I just want to have a bit of normality. Three years ago all i had to worry about was mundane stuff. Now I have to worry about saving bloody Bella Swan, Jake and then this with that bloody leech. All i want is to be with you and our friends and family. No vampires. No Bella."
"I know baby. Remember though if it wasn't for all of this you wouldn't of come home to me. I would still be miserable without you here."
"I would of always come back Sam. It killed me leaving here."
Areana looks up at Sam and smiles, there is no doubt in her mind that the hunk beside her his her soul mate. What she could remember of Demitri and it wasn't alot was that he didn't have a patch on Sam. Sam was the light at the end of the tunnel. The ray of light on her darkest day. Sam knew all of Areana, the good, the bad and the ugly and he still loved her no matter what. Areana kisses Sam with so much passion it takes both there breathes away. They want and need they feel for each other is consuming. That is how they spend the rest of the night, making out and enjoying each others company and just being in love.


The Following Morning

Areana wakes up with Sam's arms wrapped around her protectively. She smiles happily to herself yeah she maybe some new bread of supernatural but she also has the family she always wanted, the man of her dreams. Her life was simply perfect right now. She turns around to face the man that has invaded her dreams every night since she could remember. Just as she is about to give him a kiss her stomach starts to turn. She quickly gets out of bed and rushes to the bathroom causing Sam to wake. The sound of her vomiting fills the room. He goes to the bathroom and holds back her hair whilst she throws up. Sam silently worried as to why she is being sick as she is supernatural and supernatural beings don't get sick. When Areana finishes being sick and is brushing her teeth he quickly texts Carlisle. If anyone can help it is him.

Areana climbs back in to bed once she has been sick, wrapping herself up in the blankets not wanting to leave the comfort of her bed. Sam goes down to let Carlisle in and walks back to the room where the bed is vacant and Areana is back in the bathroom being sick once more. When she walks out she stops in her tracks looking from Carlisle to Sam and then back again.

"Really Babe!"

"Baby you are being sick when you shouldn't be. "
"Areana we just want to make sure your okay."

Areana simply nods and goes to the bed once more. Carlisle runs some tests and then he hands her a stick. Both Sam and Areana look at him confused.

"Just out of curiosity."
Areana nods and takes the stick before going to the bathroom. They wait for three minutes and then she looks at the stick. Frowning she hands it to Carlisle.

"What does that mean?"
"It is inconclusive like i knew it would be. Areana can you come here a second."

Areana walks to Carlisle and watches as he puts his hand on her stomach and starts feeling it. A smile spreads on his face making Areana and Sam slightly uncomfortable. Carlisle looks to the couple and chuckles lightly.

"Sorry if i am freaking you out but remember that conversation that we had when you found out you were part wolf, well congratulations guys."
Areana looks at him with confusion but Sam smiles like an idiot. He turns Areana to face him his hands going straight to her cheeks.

"Baby we are going to be parents."
Areana looks at Sam in shock, the one thing they both craved more than anything was a child of there own. As she stands there looking at the man she loves she can't believe that it is coming true. They are going to be parents. Both of them silently agreeing on one thing. No one can find out until it is safe and then it will only be there nearest and dearest.

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