Behind Closed Shower Curtains

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A/N: I'm fixing 'What an 'A' can't tell you' because tbh it makes  me cringe how Kole explains her life story so this chapter will be read like you don't have much of an idea about her ( you don't need to reread I'm just deleting and this chapter will give more detail. 


sorry for the late update ya girl got shacked with a fever


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Kole Pov

The gravel crunches as I pull up in the driveway, I lean my head on the steering wheel and begin to shake my head making dust of the dried paint embed in the fabrics of car's seat cover. I lift my head to see the lights are in the house, that meant Sam was there, I felt my little box where I put all negative emotions threaten to burst open but I keep it shut, not yet.

I got out the car and began walking towards the yellow house, it was your average two stories, no where near as lavish as the house's of Mandy's Tycoon daddy or Alexandra's renowned surgeon of a father but it was an average middle-class house and I was satisfied. I use my key to unlock the front door and I see a fussy Hannah bouncing in Sam's arms, a wave of relief washes over his face when he sees me walk through the doorway.

"Please help." He pleads with a desperate smile on his lips.

I walked over and took Hannah from and him and held her to my chest which calms her immediately, Sam plops down on the couch that is next to us. It only takes a couple of minutes for Hannah down for a nap. I walk into the living room and Sam is still on the couch.

"Sorry." I say quietly and fold my arms looking at him.

He yawns and he tries to rub the sleep from his eyes, he must've had a late gig last night.

"No I'm sorry, I mean you clearly had some..." He gestures to my new 'Celery Chic' look. "Shit to handle"

'You have no idea." I groan rolling my head trying undo the muscle cramps forming in my neck from my new root of stress.

"It's not easy being green." He cracked a smile at his own lame joke.

"You're not funny." I say but laugh against my will.

"I'm Hilarious." He defends.

We stand there in silence for a minute.

"What kind of emergency was it." I ask timidly feeling horribly guilty.

"This guy wanted to record a demo." He exhales starts to play with a piece of those thread from one of the throw pillows.

I am over run with guilt, this was big break he had been waiting for. "Oh, my God Sam," I run my hands down my face " I am so, so, so-" I begin to apologize but Sam cuts in.

" No Kole I'm sorry, I was actin like a little bitch earlier. I said I was going to take care of Hannah today and made you leave school early." He gets up and runs a hand through his hair. "Fuck, she's not even your kid-" He starts to get himself frustrated so it's my turn to cut him off.

"Hey! Hannah isn't my daughter but she's my niece which makes her family, and I always take care of my family, always, and you're my family now too so I got your back  now." I call on  my soothing voice I turn on whenever I have to bring someone back from an episode, though Sam didn't have any mental illness I was aware of I found out it was pretty much universal for anyone who was feeling overwhelmed or sad.

"God I want to hate Nadia so much, but then I look at Hannah and I can't." He sits back down, his voice breaking.

Nadia, like the much of my family had a self destructive streak, though if you look at her spotless school record she seems like the average ivy- league bound student and she was, until she met Sam who I admittedly didn't like at first for good reason, he was 27 making him 10 years older than Nadia at the time which was not only gross but illegal, he didn't have a job but was in a "band", and mostly importantly got her pregnant. Though I wasn't a fan of Sam at first but,  when push came to shove he owned up responsibility to his mistakes unlike Nadia who took off the first chance she got.

"I would hug you right but green isn't my color." He cracks.

"Ha, ha, now go and get some rest you look like crap." I joke and push him out the door.

I go to check on Hannah to see she's still asleep, I bring a baby monitor in the bathroom so I can take shower but be able to check up on her. I strip down and step into the warm water, and take deep breath and relish in the fact I'm alone at last and can finally able to unleash the emotions I've suppressed all day.

I let a scream that I've been holding in day, the scream comes so deep from my throat I get thrown into a coughing fit right after, I then beginning to smack the blue ceramic tiles lining the shower each slap of a palm lets out  a bit of frustration and hit and hit and hit over again until it hurts to move my fingers, and my favorite part is when  I could cry as loud as I wanted and however long I wanted. I cried about my anger at Nadia for leaving Hannah without her mother and sam without an explanation but; lastly I  cried how she left me without my best friend.

After my shower I was in Hannah's nursery doing my homework when I saw an email from my English teacher, Mr.Lane.

Subject: Harvard Scholarship Contest


Though we've talked before very thoroughly about your feelings about going to college out of state, I feel this is a perfect type of contest for you, and the perfect opportunity.

The prompt is: Who are the five people that have given experiences that made you who you are today? And for better or for worst?

Nikolette please consider, it doesn't hurt to just turn it in, you don't even have to accept."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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