Yes Queen?

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A/N: This story is supposed to be a coming of age story so the characters may say things that's is true or have opinions based on false facts, please be patient with, this book will have romance in it but it's mainly to tell the story of the 3 girls grow up and get wiser

My Jimmy Choos clacked against the pristine white tiles of Del Norte High School, to my dismay my heels seem to click louder the harder I tried to be quiet since it was 5th period and I was supposed to be in class not trying to get into my boyfriend BMW to skip the rest of the day. I pulled my iphone from my gucci bag to text Quinn that I'm most there when I trip over something making fall face first but lucky enough that my arms broke my fall, furious I quickly stand and look over to see if anyone my moment of shame but everyone is in class and the halls are empty, I wipe my tight black skirt, straighten my white shirt and fix my straightened brown hair to make sure nothing is out of place, with a glance in the mirror to make sure my appearance is to my liking I look down to see a thin piece of string that is being pulled across the hallways and around the conner, determined to make whoever did this immature prank to pay I follow the pink string until I am in the theater.

I hear footsteps walk across the stage and whip my hair around to see it's Nikoletta "Kole" Preston the school's freak walking across the stage.

"Hey!" I yell and start to storm over to her, "You think your little prank is funny"

"Excuse me?" She ask in the monotone raising a brow.

"Don't play dumb, I know it was you who put the string there." I sneer, I was not going to entertain her playing dumb act.

"Listen Princess, I don't know what happened to you but you probably deserved." She folds her arm and her blue eyes glare at me. "Now get the hell out of my way."

As I'm about to unleash my wrath a phone goes off in the audience and both are heads as we become aware we're not alone. Suddenly Mandy Mendoza's head pops up, her dark brown hair tumbles past her shoulders and sunglasses frame her tanned face and playful smirk falls on her lips.

"Don't stop on my account, shit was just getting good." She muses resting her head on the seat in front of her.

"You?" I growl balling my hands into fist making my manicured nails dig into my palms.

She holds her hands up into surrender and slides off her seat starts to walk up the stage.

"Nah, I just came here for a nap, I have a killer hangover." She rubs her temples.

"It's Tuesday." Kole says judgement written all over her face.

"And yesterday was Monday and tomorrow is Wednesday." She retorts

"Wow Nathan this a better idea then I thought it would be." Tyler Jefferson appears from the left of the stage, his dark skin radiates as he stepped in the light, to say he was Handsome would be an understatement, but behind that face I knew it was trouble. Tyler was part of what I liked to refer as "The Tragic Trio" Tyler Jefferson, Ryder Westwood, and Nathan Rivers.

"Oh My God, how many people are in this fucking theater?!" I yell, my daily limit of bullshit was over drawn.

"Let's see," Nathan Says in the microphone in the control booth across the stage "1,2,3,4,5..."

"6" Ryder says finishes "Wow, the Queen Bee, The school's Mystery girl, and the Party Girl all under one roof, who would've guessed."

"Okay I'm done with this bullshit." Kole says stepping around me.

"Wait we're not done." Ryder places a light hand on her arm to stop her from reaching the back door, her eyes look to the hand and back to him. "You have three fucking seconds to get your hand off of me before I cut off your balls and nail them to my front door to send a message to all the other wannabe bad boys that they're not welcome."Her voice is strained clearly trying to retain her temper.

"Damn, you really turned me on right now." Ryder smirks, his amber eyes full of amusement.

"Enough!" I yell and fold my arms, "I have one question." I state making eye contact with Tyler, my green eyes trying to burn holes into his deep brown ones.

"Yes Queen?" Tyler muses he clearly enjoys seeing me aggravated.

"Don't call me that." I growls my hands back in fist.

"A melanin goddess such as yourself is only fitted for the title Queen." He says in a voice that'd make any girl swoon but I could only harden my glare, my mother was one of the first black supermodel in the 90's while my father is a white man from Connecticut, making me not light enough to pass for white and not the darkest shade but definitely dark enough for people to ask my dad how he went about adopting me. My green eyes were the only thing that I could prove that he was my biological father but even then it took a good amount of convincing that they were real and not contacts, it's taken years to finally to fit in we cost of staying out of the sun for long periods of time and straightening my curls everyday and I didn't need Tyler calling out what made me stick out like a sore thumb.

As I open my mouth to say something else in attempt to shut him I hear a rattling sound from the catwalk, I look over to Nathan who was still in the control booth who has a smirk on his face and then lime green paint soaks me and everyone around me and like a scene in a bad movie Headmaster Williams burst though the theater rooms.

"In my office, now!" He orders.

I was just trying to get out of my History Test.

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