If i were beautiful

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Alexandra's POV

I pushed around the kale leaves around my salad plate making patterns with orl and vinegar trail they left.

"I got an interesting call today." My dad announced making me look at him and I am met with  the same frosty green eyes I have letting me know that he knows.

"What was it about Love?" My step-mother Catalina asks putting down her fork and wiping her mouth giving her full attention to her husband.

Catalina was always nice to since she seemed determined to keep my dad happy and she knew how close he and I were. Catalina was an all-American beauty, golden hair was always styled to fall in loose waves just below her shoulders, and baby blue eyes that complimented her pale skin. I'd kill to look like her or like her daughter Sela from her previous marriage. I envy Sela's pencil straight hair that falls at her elbows, she wakes up and brushes for 2 seconds and it's flawless, I on the other hand have to wake up two hour prior to school starting crank my flat iron to 450° for it to get half way down to back, if I leave it curly (I'd rather die) my curls form ringlets that brush the top of my breast. Her eyes transform from blue by day to piercing grey at night, every feature on her face I wanted.

Am I really jealous of a 15 year old? She was beautiful and people always said things like "Catalina your daughter is gorgeous" "Sela you are just stunning" , even guys tell her she was pretty, not "You're pretty, for a ginger" or "I didn't think I'd be into girls with freckles, but hey don't knock it till you try it" , "You are just my type, I love Exotic girls." and I can bet a million dollars when she has sex the guy won't say "So was better than, you know, gingers?".

My own boyfriend told "You're pretty, for a Black girl." i was taken aback and asked him to explain and he gave me the "It's a compliment." So I said thank you, but I wasn't thankful.

"Alexandra." My dad barks bring me back from problematic thoughts.

I suddenly feel 2 feet tall and avoid my Father's angry gaze, "Yes Daddy?" I try to keep my voice high but I know he's too mad to be persuaded by my 'I'm your little girl bit'.

"Do you want to explain to my I received a call from a very angry call from your Headmaster telling me my daughter was involved in a prank that is making the theater room close down to redo the stage floor because they can't take off the paint?"

Sela sends me a curious look with a but of pain obviously hurt I didn't tell her what happened but when I came home no one was there to see me drenched in neon green paint so I was hoping to keep it under wraps.

"It's misunderstanding!" I cry panicked to clear my name.

"Then why weren't you in 5th period." My dad counters.

Shit. I can't exactly tell him I was ditching to have sex in the back of my boyfriend's Range Rover. The whole pranking story was sounding better and better.

"Sorry" I whisper looking down at the glass table.

"Phone on the table I want you in your room for the rest of the night, I'll come up to talk to you later." He orders watching me stand up from the table sulk up the spiral staircase and finally into my room.

It was the tumblr DIY room everyone wanted from the fairy lights surrounding the ceilings to the polaroids that hung on the walls.

I let myself fall face first on the bed, I hated when I disappointed him and I just screwed up big time.

I turned my head so I could see the photo of me and Mom when I was 5, it was taken right before we found out she was sick. I don't remember a lot I remember how much I loved her and how much it affected us when she passed. I don't even know I'm crying until I feel a tear run across my face. She was so pretty, full lips ,  sharp angles , dark skin gave off a natural highlight. I wonder what my life if she was still here.

My door creaks as my dad walks in, he takes a seat next me looking at photo I'm staring at. We sit there in silence, my Mother was the love of his life, he never said it aloud but everyone knew it, I sympathized for Catalina, she was always respectful when it came to the topic of my mother  but doesn't mean it didn't hurt her when she saw my Father in his office with a glass of whiskey staring at a picture of Mom.

"I wish she was around so she could see how beautiful you grew up to see." He rasped trying to fight back the tears. He kissed the top of my head and left the room clearly forgetting the reason he came in here in the first place.

But I wasn't beautiful, my nose was too wide, my lips were too big and my hair was too curly.

I sat up and caught my reflection in my full body mirror.

And now my eyes were puffy.

A/N: so the next chapter will get the story started I just want you get some insight on all the characters before they get painted in a different light due the story switching perspective. Please comment your thoughts.
Lots of love

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