What an 'A' can't tell you

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Kole's POV

Sam: Emergency at work, I'm dropping of Hannah now.

Me: I'm at school

Sam: Leave early then.

I read the text between me and Sam before I send another text explaining I can't take care of Hannah, he is going to be so fucking pissed but I didn't ask to be a part of this stupid prank that has green paint coating my dark locks.

I put down my phone and look around the Headmasters office. Alexandra looks like she's ready to murder every single person in this room with her long hair starting to curl due from the moisture of the paint, I don't think I've ever seen her with her with curly hair. Mandy looks like she wants to die as she leans against the wall, it looks like hangover she has only worsened with the bright lights of the dean's office and Dean's loud tapping of his pen against his oak desk hard enough to make a dent, it's like he trying to release all his anger by tapping. He finally stops tapping and looks over us girls then to the boys, Tyler can barely contain his laughter even though he is also covered in paint, Nathan has a playful smirk on his face obviously not caring if we got in trouble of not, and lastly Ryder who just looked bored like he's been through this a thousands.

God just looking at them makes my blood boil, I don't have time for dumb shit like this, maybe they do but I have real problems to take care of.

"I have no business being here." Alexandra is the first to break the silence, even though she is covered in paint like the rest of us she still sitting tall on her high horse.

Headmasters Williams gave a humorless chuckle "Oh really?" He muses "Who else believe that they have ' no business being here'"He put air quotes around Alexandra's words.

Mandy and I raises our hands.

"So you just all happened to be in the exact same place at the exact same time, out of class may I add." He stops tapping and starts to play the pen will his left hand. Alexandra's pursue her lips trying to find another way out of whatever punishment Headmaster Williams was about to throw our way.

"Um, sorry but Headmaster... If we did this why would we cover ourselves in paint." Mandy ask, her voice had went from raspy 50 year smoker  to sweet as honey and she made her brown eyes go wide trying to make herself seem as innocent as possible.

"Jefferson we're you and little group of punks, involved?" Headmaster barked.

"Guilty." Tyler now had a sly smile on his lips and holds up both his hands which were covered in paint.

Headmasters gives Mandy a pointed look which makes go back to slouching  her chair.

"Detention." He says.

Well damn that was less severe than I thought-

"For whole semester." He finishes.

I finally say something after being silent this entire time.

"I can't" I state, Headmasters looks at me shocked, he slowly takes off his glasses.

"Please enlighten me why you 'Can't' Miss.Preston"

"I-" I start but i don't get to finish my sentence because he cuts me off.

"Because lets see here." He puts back on his glasses and turns to his laptop and starts to type to what I assume is my Name." "Ah yes, Nikoletta Preston, grades good yes, but no clubs, sports, not even on the student body." I let my head rest on the palms of my hand as he list off my school records like it defines who I am but there are somethings an 'A' in english can't tell you. "But," He continues which peaks my interest " Your sister Nadia graduated with a 4.1, was President of the student body, Captain of the Soccer team, and founded "Beach Buddies" which cleans up the beach once a month and in the end went to Columbia with a full scholarship" Like I said before an 'A' in english doesn't tell you shit about a person.

"So tell me Nikoletta why 'can't you'" He says folding his hand neatly on the table.

I bit my tongue so hard I drew blood, what was I supposed to tell him?

There is so much more I wish  I could say but that would leave Hannah in the hands of the state and the school would call my mom which cause her to have some kind of nervous breakdown so instead I just said.

"I'll make it work." I said through gritted teeth.

"Wait- Nadia's your sister?" Alexandra looked at me in disbelief, Nadia was beloved by the entire school but if they only knew who she was behind her perfect resume.

I shoot a glare in an attempt to shut her up but Alexandra Lake knew how to anything but and mouthed "Wow"

"Dismissed." Headmaster says and turns back to his papers.

Everyone rushed out the office, without saying one word to each other but I was sprinting to my car hoping Sam wasn't pissed off. I slid into my car pulled out my phone 4 missed calls, and 20 unread text, I didn't;t even bother reading them instead I called him.

"What the fuck Kole." He says after answering the first ring.

"I am so sorry." I say running my free hand through my now drying painted crusted hair getting caught in clumps of dry paint.

"The guy from the record label I've been talking to wanted to meet me today." He's still mad but his voice more frustrated than hostile.

"It's a long story." I say which all I can say.

"I really need you today." He says quietly 

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He tells me when clearly isn't fine.

A/N: who's POV y'all like the most 

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