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(<- Carina - James ->)

Catty: Heyyyyyyy Jamie

Oh no :Jamie

You only use that amount of y's when you either want something or have to deliver bad news :Jamie

Catty: Well, it's not bad new for me, but you might be a little annoyed or upset

Well at lest you're not asking to borrow my jean jacket again, or one of my hoodies. :Jamie

It's such a hassle to sneak into the Hufflepuff common rooms, you know. :Jamie

Catty: In a way, I'm also asking for something

Double trouble. This better be good. :Jamie

Catty: James please, this is serious. Please just try to maybe sit down somewhere, calmly, and don't have any breakables near you

Ok, I'm totally serious. 100%. And I'm about to go to sleep so I'm laying down, and I can't promise anything about the breakables because I have my wand sitting on my bedside table. :Jamie

Catty: Ok, well, I want you to know that you're my best best best best friend and your opinion is valued and valid in this chat, so you have the right to express that however you want but I'd appreciate if you tried your hardest to listen and understand.

Oh, so this is, like, actually serious. :Jamie

Yeah, ok, I'm ready. Nothing you could say could make me upset, I'm in a total state of understanding. :Jamie

Also, Cat, its us. I could never actually be mad at you. At least not for long periods of time. :Jamie

Catty: So....

Catty: I went over to the apartment today, during lunch, to get some things that I thought would be better in the Hufflepuff dorms

Catty: And Fred was there

Go on. :Jamie

Catty: And he apologized and told me he had a bunch o stuff to work through but he still loves me and wants to be with me

Ok. :Jamie

Catty: And I forgave him.

Catty: James?

Catty: Jamie, its been thirty minutes, I'm worried.

Catty: Where are you?

Off to get a new wand. :Jamie


(<- Fred II - Cat ->)

Fred: Hey

Hi :Cat

Fred: I'm still really sorry.

Fred: For everything.

Fred: I know you think I have nothing to apologize for, but it was a ton of stuff that you didn't even know. I was always jealous of your friends for being able to hang out with you at Hogwarts, which was ridiculous of me. And I was always mad that I didn't get to hang out with you more, but I never talked about it with you, and I just kept you in the dark about any problems I had even though you were always so honest with me and I'm just so so sorry because I love you so much and I never stopped loving you for a second and I never believed we shouldn't be together for a second but I just don't know how to deal with my shit and I let that effect us way too much and I should've told you that I love you so much more often because I love you so much it hurts

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