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(<- Carina - James ->)

Carina: Hi Jamie

Hey, Cat, why are you crying, whats wrong? :James

Carina: It's nothing, its just...

Carina: I miss Fred

Should I come over? I can apparate there in a second  if you need me :James

Carina: No, don't.

Carina: I just wanna talk. And I don't want anyone to see me right now, I look like a mess *Chuckle*

Come on, Cat, I don't care what you look like :James

Carina: Haha, I know I just... I'd rather be alone.

Well listen, if you're ready to talk about what happened between you two, I'm here for you. If you aren't, no pressure, its completely ok. :James

Carina: I think I want to tell you. I have to tell someone or else I'll just die, and honestly I just really need some help.

Carina: Some advice.

I get it. Well, I'm listening and I can advise if necessary :James

Carina: Thank you Jamie. I'd say you're like a big brother, but no siblings get along as well as we do. You're like... the other half of me

I feel the same about you. :James

So, you're really ready to talk about it? :James

Carina: Yes.


Carina: We got into a stupid fight. I don't even remember why or how it started. It was stupid.

Carina: All I remember was that I started it.

Hey, I'm sure you had no bad intentions. This is not your fault. :James

Carina: Yes it is, Jamie. You haven't heard what happened yet.

Carina: Basically, we started arguing about the apartment how its both of ours and not just his, even though I'm living at Hogwarts right now, and he brought up that he pays a little more than me for it

Thats a low blow, he knows you're working really hard and go to school :James

Carina: Thats what I said, and then I mentioned how it wasn't my fault that his family just has more money than mine, and obviously that blew up completely

Carina: And then we were both crying. From a lot of things, but I'm the one who really started the serious-ness of the fight.

Carina, its. not. your. fault. :James

Carina: Yes it is James!

Carina: I yelled a lot, and I screamed, and then he apologized but I kept yelling!

Carina: I could've stopped! *sobs*

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