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_Roxy1_ - She got

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_Roxy1_ - She got....a cat..... why???

{Tagged: Angel_Potter}


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Cat.The.Cat: What do you mean why?!?! Cats are everything!

Angel_Potter: Why wouldn't I get a cat!

_Roxy1_: @Angel_Potter because there are dogs in the world

Cat.The.Cat: Roxy, you did NOT just say that


Angel_Potter - My new cat's name is

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Angel_Potter - My new cat's name is..... Bob!


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Fred2: So cute!

Lo_Low: Bob isn't a cat name, wyd???



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Not.Locran - Last weekend with Lily

{Tagged: Luna_Moon}


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Luna_Moon: 💖

.Hugrow.: How are you so good at taking pictures?!?!

Albino.Albus: @.Hugrow. I'm as confused as Hugo about this



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Albino.Albus - I don't have any situation to use this for right now, but thank you to whoever made this, what a beautiful work of art


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Scor_Scores: My fiancé is a meme

Scor_Scores: What a day.


Scor_Scores - This is the last time I let Rose Lily and Harper do my makeup

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Scor_Scores - This is the last time I let Rose Lily and Harper do my makeup.

{Tagged: Luna_Moon , Rosy.Rose , Harp.er}


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Luna_Moon: What'd you mean? It looks great!

Rosy.Rose: I still think we did amazing

Harp.er: A look for the wedding

Albino.Albus: @Harp.er Merlin, yes

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