Let It Shine

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    It had been two days since Leon's execution and Sayakas murder. Everyone was down about it, probably filled with despair. I glared at the ceiling of my sisters old room, did I truly miss her? I sighed and hugged a pillow next to me tightly. I had to do something to fill everyone with hope again. I was determined to just.. fill everyone with hope AGAIN! Also, I didn't exactly want to fall asleep. I stood up and stretched, look inside of the little cabinet drawers and found the secrets of them all. I had forgotten about them. I left them on a small desk that I placed in my room, and lay back down on my bed, sighing away.

                           ~○~Morning Time~○~

   I woke up to a knock at my door. I jolted up and walked over to answer it, getting excited. Was it someone who wanted hopefull advice? I opened the door and saw Celeste.

  "Junko Enoshima, we are awaiting your arrival in the cafeteria." She said, holding her hands. Was she always this formal?

  "Oh.. okay then." I said, giving another sigh, slightly disappointed.

  "They are all very.." Celeste paused as she saw the envelopes on my desk. "Why are our names.."

  "HUH? Oh.. um.. well.." I gave a small chuckle and went to grab them, but her hand reached first. 

  "Where's mine..?" She said, flipping through the envelopes.

 "It's really nothing Celeste!" I said, reaching for the envelopes, her tall high-heels beating me down.

  "Here it is.." She said holding the envelope that said "Celestia Lunenburg" on it.

  "Please!" I begged. "I don't want you to see them! Nor do I want to hurt you."

  "Wait..." She said, opening the envelope and seeing her secret written on this papyrus. "How.. did you know this Junko?" She said, she was clearly getting angry

  "I learned it before you came, dear." I said, smiling. She probably thought it was creepy, becuase she backed away.

  "You..!" She choked out, dropping the pile of envelopes on the floor. She ran out of my room, who knows where to.

  "Well then." I said to my self, picking up the envelopes, re-sealing Celeste's secret.

   They will all know.. I grabbed a pencil and erased the names on the envelopes. This was gonna be perfect. After erasing the names, I dropped them off randomly at the door steps. They're gonna need another motive, aren't they? I let out a small giggle when stopping by Celeste's door. She doesn't want anyone to find out.. Eh? After I finished, I walked to the cafeteria.

  "Hello!" I boomed from the entrance.

  "Y-You!!" Celeste yelled out at me.

  "Yes, I'm afraid to say it's me!" I exclaimed, glaring at her.

  "Go by your doors. I left a surprise!" I told them.

  "OKAY MISS ENOSHIMA." Ishimaru yelled out.

 And so it begins.

Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Hope (Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now