Trial #1

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/ Updates will be slower becuase of school and family purposes. Now, I don't know who's got my back.. I miss my old friends 😉 oh, almost forgot something very important! 🤓/

      It's the first trial after Sayaka Maizono was murdered by one of us. After so much thought and consideration, I decided that they killed her for the sake of hope. They wanted to leave so badly, and they probably wanted to spread hope everywhere! I noticed alot of things at the scene of the crime. Mainly clues, but other things too. Even though she was in Makotos room, he didn't kill her. It's obvious, and if no one finds that out, we're all going to die. Of course, I could just stop this all with a press of a button. Do I want to? No, I don't. For the sake of hope. (Nagito: I heard HOPE BAGELS! Me: No, get out please.) Their hope is shining so bright, that they will do anything to be free. That, is why they killed her. I sigh and looked at the elevator moving. It takes forever some times. 

   "Okay, let's get started?" Makoto said, he was sweating. From being nervous probably.

    "It's obvious that you killed her!" Leon said, pointing to him.

   "Yes, that would be most probable." Celeste agreed nodding. 

"I-I didn't kill her!" Makoto retorted.

    "Y-Yes you d-did you h-horse sh-*poop*." Toko said. She usually isn't like this. 

    "What do you have to say, peasant?" Togami said. (Yes, I used Togami) 

"I didn't kill her." He said, he was freaking out now. 

    "He didn't!  Believe me!" I said. I decided to stick up for him, hope is all we need. "I say this in the name of Hope!" I said to make them believe me. "He didn't kill her."

   "How can you say that you bast- * butt*?!" Mondo said to me.

   "Becuase, if you focus on the numbers 11037 upside down, it looks like it says one thing." I said, this was getting them. 

"Wh-What?" Leon said

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"Wh-What?" Leon said. I had suspected him, early.

    "It looks like it says your name!" Kiyotaka said, pointing to Leon. "Leon!"

     "N-No! It's Makoto Naegi! He killed her!" He can't take a hint. He looked shocked, really.

     "I'll have to go through something, stand back." Makoto said. Then, they started yelling and stuff. It was weird honestly. 

     "W-What?!" Leon said after what seemed like hours. "I-I didn't w-want to d-do it!" He was holding his head in his arms, tears feel to the ground.

    "Then why did you?" Kyoko said, whipping her finger at him.

     "That crazy fu-*freaking* bi-*butt* tried to kill me!" Leon retorted. "Sh-She had th-the kn-knife!" He began stuttering, and screaming hystericaly. (Thanks, Captain obvious.)

   "Why, did you blow this for me!" Leon said, staring angrily at me. "They wouldn't have gotten it!" He pointed at me and started blowing me off.

    "You.. you killed her, Leon. Not for hope, but.. just to escape this island, leaving everyone else to die. For your selfish needs!!" I exclaimed in his direction. "You killed Sayaka.. for dispair!" I touched the lips the word dispair came out of. It hurt.

   "Well, I won't be punished though, will I?" He said in a smart as-*donkey* tone.

   "For what you did," I paused. "You will be." A smirk formed on my face, I rubbed my hands together, I must destroy this sign of despair.

   Leon screamed as I pressed a button that made a metal clutch catch his neck. I drove it to a back room, slight gasps escaping the others. I made it tie him up, and started tossing the balls, with cement inside. After about 500 of these baseballs or so, blood fell from Leon's face, legs, and just torso in general. Most of my classmates fell to their knees in shock, some just stared.

 "Bad influences of despair alert!" I giggled, taking off a baseball cap.

  "Why.." Kiyotaka began. "Would you do that?"

  "Well.." I paused and stared at him for a moment. "He, wasn't bringing the hope that I wanted." I clutched my heart (metaphoricly) and drool fell down my chin to the ground.

  "Then just let us out!" Hagakure, a.k.a. perpetual disappointment, pleaded.

  "Why would I do that?" I asked dumbfoundedly.

  "So our hope can shine brighter, perhaps." Celeste said, placing her finger to her chin.

  "Th-They can?!" This was surprisingly a new thought to me, they would be the most hopeful people out there. "Oh, wait, your hope would probably be brought down, so.. no can do!" I said, positioning with a bat I had grabbed.

  "HUH? How?" Makoto asked.

"Do you not know?" I asked. "Oh, wait, you don't, becuase you have no memories!" I quickly ran away as they screamed for me, they were left dumbfounded.

They will find out.

Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Hope (Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now