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Hi guys, quick authors note, please please please point out errors and comment if you like my story or think it needs changes or if you want a sequel etc... Also I know this isn't going to get like any views so please promote it if you like it! <3


Gerards POV~


Oh no, I thought, school. School was the worst thing to ever happen to a loser like me. Work, bullies, no friends, depression... the usual for an emo gay shit like me. At least emo means emotional so I know I can choose to think I'm better than their ass for having feelings. I still hate it, I'm lucky to escape one day of getting hurt by someone else. Not to mention, I have another two years of that hell in front of me. Ugh.

On the bright side, my Grandmother is okay with my homosexuality and makes me feel very much happier. She knows people beat me at school, and she constantly locks the knife drawer and limits the pencil sharpener, but I manage to find another way. She helps very much with the bullying think, I can't every thank her enough for letting me be who I am. Don't even ask about my parents, I wish I never even knew what they did to me...

Right, getting ready for hel- I mean school..

Opening my eyes to blurred vision, I took off the covers and slowly stumbled out of bed. I yawned and stretched my way through my room and swiftly, I brushed my newly black dyed hair. I took off my pajama pants and underwear, pulled out a Smashing Pumpkins Long sleeve tee. After that, I slipped on some black skinny jeans and put on a thin layer of eyeliner. Hey, I know what you are thinking. I'm not that emo, okay? I slipped on some converse and head out the door of my bedroom. I opened a new door to see my adorable little brother, Mikey sound asleep. I feel bad to have to wake him up but he has to go to school.

I walk over to the bed that my cute 12 year old brother slept and gently shook him awake.

"Mikey, please wake up, you have to go to school," I spoke gently, " Grandma Elena is making pancakes downstairs if you want to grab some."

He would't budge.

I though about ways to get him up, then i found something perfect.

"MIKEY LOOK!! UNICORNS!" I hollered.

I never saw somebody shoot up and open up their eyes so wide before.

" Where?!" he quizzed.

I laughed so hard, I swear the whole town could hear.

"Nowhere. I'm sorry Mikey, it's time to get ready for school. Grandma is making pancakes like she does every day, I love you, but I have to go!" I hugged his skinny body and ran out his door and fled downstairs, grabbed a pancake, kissed my grandma goodbye,grabbed my back pack and ran to the bus stop.

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