Epilogue: Heroes

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Sparrow woke up to a strange sight. Not only were Wren and Ivy embracing, which made her heart warm up with happiness, not only was Gerrard gone, completely vanished, but there were also several people who had just...appeared.

She saw that a bunch of different people of all ages were just lying on the forest floor. Men, women, boys, girls, old, young, people in a different variety of outfits were there as well. People dressed in business suits, military clothing, everything from ordinary to extraordinary clothing showed people of all kinds were here.

Then, Sparrow remembered what Gerrard had said. Something about power. Needing people for power. Then, her heart fluttered as she realized something. She got up and ran around the forest as fast as she could, zooming past several people, looking for the one she wanted. Then, she spotted her, and stopped dead in her tracks, gasping as she did. 

A slightly younger girl with short, blue hair that was dressed in a school uniform was standing up and holding her head. Then, she looked over at Sparrow, and her eyes widened. Both her hands went over her mouth, and she began to cry. Sparrow ran to her, and the two embraced, their foreheads pressed together. Then, they stared at each other, and kissed passionately, one that showed their love for each other.

They held each other tightly, and Sparrow cried into Marissa's shoulder as she stroked her back slowly. The forest was a spot for many reunions, as others, family and friends got together again. Sparrow looked down, still holding her love, as she saw the small bird tattoo on her shoulder blade. Marissa whispered in her ear. "I knew you would find me Audrey...my little sparrow..."

I held Ivy in my arms, as the both of us got up, and sat on a hill that overlooked the facility that was once called Reservoir. I saw all of the hypermorphs that had surrounded the place had been changed back into normal people, thank's to Tobias' abilities. As if speaking his name summoned him, a blue light appeared in front of our eyes, and I could see Tobias' astral form appearing in front of us.

He looked at the both of us, and Ivy smiled back at him. Thank you...all of you. My heroes. You saved the world. You managed to keep humankind alive, and no one will ever be able to repay you for that. 

I sighed and stared down at Ivy, ruffling her hair and smiling at her. I then looked back up at Tobias, his bright blue light no longer blinding to me anymore, now that I knew what lay within. "I'm sorry for not trusting you...I knew you'd never let Ivy die. That's all I could have asked for. So...what happens now?"

Tobias looked out over the fields, at the different people wandering around, slightly confused, and gave a paternal smile. Humanity will live on. They have survived much worse before and come back flourishing and bigger than ever. But they will need someone to lead them...someone who is powerful and just.

He looked at me, and I noticed something happening down at the Reservoir gates. It was the metahumans. They had managed to find their way out of the base, and were now mingling with the new humans, looking like lost children. I imagined that's what they were. I looked back at Tobias. "Me...right?"

He looked at the both of us and chuckled, his voice and mind seeming to calm us down. I must return to my plane of existence. I will be watching over you my children. But for now, it is time for someone like you, Wren Sawyer...to save the world once again.

I suddenly saw his blue form flicker, then fly up into the sky, like a firework, until it was completely out of sight. I saw the sun peek through the clouds, like light shining through a dark mind. Ivy turned to look at me, a sort of wary look on her face. She tugged on my shoulder. "Wren...was I was inside Toby's mind...he told me things about you...some bad things you did..."

I looked at her, surprised, and my eyes widened, and I looked down with a guilty stare. Then, I felt her small hand rest on my face. I looked at her, and saw she was smiling. "I know what you did was wrong...but you did it to protect me...and you didn't mean it...you're still my hero Wren. Forever and ever." 

She smile widely at me, and then threw her arms around my neck, giving me a big hug. I didn't move for a bit, then I hugged her back. I almost cried right there in her arms. All of the worries and weight that was on my heart instantly went away. I grabbed her tight, never wanting her to let go. I mumbled in her ear. "I love you, Ivy..."

She smiled and sat there, looking out at the sun with me. We looked at the different people walking around beneath us, and the forest spreading everywhere, the birds and animals slowly returning to their regular forms. "I love you too, Wren."

I heard someone walk up behind us, and looked to see Sparrow walking up to us holding the hand of a blue-haired girl. Ivy's eyes widened, and she smiled at the two of them, running up to her and hugging her waist. Sparrow smiled and stroked her hair. "Hey Ivy...this is my girlfriend, Marissa."

Ivy smiled and waved at her, while Marissa returned it. Sparrow looked at me, and saw the solemn stare I had. She cocked her head slightly. "Tobias left, didn't he? Did he say anything to you?"

I looked out over the fields, the sun still high in the blue sky, the Earth just now beginning to heal from it's year-long wounds, and humanity almost restored back to what it was. I felt something rising in my heart that I hadn't felt in a while. Hope. "He said...that we're heroes. And it's time to save the world."

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