8: When Things Blossom

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Since I have afternoon off, I was supposed to go straight home after we arrived in the city. But I had to report to my manager. Well, is he my manager? I'm technically under the Operations manager. Whatever. I need to submit a report about my 2 students.

I got to the office floor but something's different. Do I dare say that the atmosphere is different? What is this? I can't pinpoint what, but I feel refreshed when I stepped in the office. I haven't felt this for so long.

I did my report to the manager and was planning to be on my merry way. "Melissa, Melissa" someone hurriedly whispered my name. It was one of the QA girls. "Did you hear?? Darex has a crush on you!"

"I'm sorry?" Like W--T--F? I don't know of anyone in the company that know my past with Darex. And this rumor is just plain absurd. "What are you talking about?"

"We've noticed even before that he specifically talks to you even if it's out of his way." Yes, because he likes to taunt me. "But those were small compared to his reaction this morning." Okay, I'm listening. "We were talking with the other departments about our outing and showed some photos. Darex was there and he was only interested in your photos." I'm sure it's for a different reason.

"You're overthinking things." I laughed a little.

"Maybe, but those were really good photos of you! I didn't imagine it before but you should dress up more Melissa. You're pretty."

I thanked her and went home with a smile on my face. Darex has a crush on me. That's rich.



"Hi Melissa!" Yoongi squeaked. I was so dumbfounded that I wasn't able to respond.

Suddenly, Yoongi burst. "I'm sorry about last night Melissa. That was inappropriate." I was imagining a young man bowing furiously.

"Eh? It's okay Yoongi. What are you even apologizing for? That you were drunk?" I giggled.

"It's not just that." I heard him mumble. "But, I'm really sorry Melissa. Please continue being my teacher."

Wow. He's serious about this. "It's okay Yoongi. Of course, I'll continue being your teacher."

That's what I thought then.


This Friday's meetup was at a posh bar. I was completely against it for several reasons but here I am, in this halter dress I was forced to wear. And yes, you are right, it is courtesy of Khaylee.

Don't get me wrong, I like hanging out with my old highschool friends. And the atmosphere in the venue is not bad. The music taste is great too. I'm not musically literate but I'm pretty sure all the songs I heard were originally mixed by the DJ in the venue.

"Are you seeing anyone?" Sally asked. I think she's drunk. She is not this forward with personal questions.

The whole group beamed and looked up excitedly.

"No, I'm not." I sighed. "I'm not sure I'm ready for another relationship."

Some of them nodded in understanding.


"You use Kakao? I didn't know that" Khaylee mused.

"I actually only use it for one person."


"Oh, my student."

"The freshie?"

"Actually it's the mysterious one."

"Oh." Khaylee paused. "Ohhh...." Unknown to me she locked eyes with Jake while I was checking Yoongi's message.

Khaylee grabbed my phone while Jake gripped my wrists.

"What the...?"

"I'm calling your student"

"What, why?"

"Shh.. I think it's connecting" She then put the phone against my ear and cheek.

"Hello?" Yoongi was surprised and sounded bewildered. "Melissa?"

"Yoongi! Sorry for the call. My friends are being childish. You weren't in the middle of anything were you?"

"Uhmm. No, we finished our practice earlier so I have free time right now."

Finally, Jake let go of my wrists and I held the phone myself. I gave Khaylee and Jake mean looks. "Oh good..." What do I say?

"Your friends made you call me?"

"Oh no," what's with me saying oh's "They forcefully took my phone and called you."

"You told your friends about me?"

"Uhmm.. Yeah." Should I not have?

"Huh. What did you say about me?"

"She said you were mysterious but you make her comfortable." Khaylee unexpectedly shouted to the phone's receiver.

"Khaylee!" I didn't realize she was listening in! And she must have sensitive ears to hear Yoongi with the music playing.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi. I'll catch you later okay? I'm so sorry. Khaylee you are so dead, and you too Jake!" Unknown to me, the call didn't cut before I threatened the two.


"Who was that?"


"Eh? You contact each other outside your lessons?!"

"Shhh..! You're too loud Jin. Don't tell anyone... yet, okay?"


Author's Notes:

Woah, brain don't die on me... Still need to finish of a lot more chapters.... On another topic, how do you make your titles? For me, I try to put clues in them. Not only for the actual chapter but for upcoming ones as well. I hope my chapter title makes sense :P

Love pastelpinkhair *hugs*

English Me!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon