6: What's Cheeky?

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"Are you ready for Wednesday?" It was Gabrielle a tester from the QA team.

"Hey Gaby" She suddenly popped up in my desk. "Ready for what? Is there a big SIT to be done?"

"No silly, for the QA team get together. Beach, Melissa. Beaaach!"

Crap. I totally forgot about that. I don't have clothes for that and worse I haven't told my students.


There was something fluffy and pink heading towards me. In closer inspection, it was just Khaylee in her short pink tutu skirt. I asked her help to solve my outfit problem.

I went out shopping that afternoon thinking I'll be purchasing a swim wear. But what I have in the paper bag I was holding was almost lingerie.

"I can't believe you made me buy that Khaylee!" I practically screamed at her.

"It suits you. What's your problem?" She looked at me as if she doesn't get why I'm embarrassed. "Okay, remember, we agreed you can wear shorts over it."

"Fine." I grumbled as I inserted my keys in my apartment door.

"But I pick what shorts... and you know what? I'll pick everything that you'll be wearing during the trip." Khaylee decided as we entered my apartment.


"Hi Yoongi."

"Hello Melissa." As Yoongi said that I heard some ruffling of sheets.

"Before I forget, we won't have our lesson on Wednesday. I'm sorry about the late notice."

"Oh, but why?" I heard a little cough from Yoongi.

"My department is doing a get together, but I can book you with another teacher for that day."

"No." Yoongi immediately answered. He was more direct today. He sighed. "It's okay if I don't have the Wednesday lesson. You'll be back for Thursday though, right?"

"Yes, of course." I tried to sound cheerful. "You won't be billed for Wed-"

Yoongi started coughing. It was a full-blown cough.

"You're sick" I said more to myself. " We can cancel today's lesson, so you can rest."

Yoongi caught his breath and said, "It's fine."

"It's not fine. You are my student and your health goes first. You might lose your voice as well if you keep talking. Know what, I'll mute you so you won't keep talking."


Please rest Yoongi.


I'm your client and I say no.

"Okay, fine. What do you want to do Yoongi?"

He laughed weakly. This cheeky boy laughed. "You are too nice Melissa"

I sighed. "Tell me about it. I'm told I was simple and obedient." I murmured the last part to myself.

"Am I right to assume this had to do with the rumors?"

I sighed again. Yoongi is my client and I'm not being professional by dragging my feelings to my work. "Yeah, but don't worry about it. We should talk about our lesson."

"But I'm sick Melissa" He coughed a little after. This cheeky bugger.

I laughed. "Okay, Mr. I'm sick I don't want to do lessons but talking anyway, what do you propose we do then?"

"You do the talking while I do the listening so I don't tire my throat."

I thought about the situation I was in. Ah... Fudge it. So I told him about where we were going for the get together.

He didn't say anything. If he wanted me to stop he would have told me, so I continued and rambled about how I forgot about the get together and had to find clothes for it. I complained about Khaylee and the outfits.

At the end of the session, Yoongi finally spoke and thanked me. He sounded tired so I bid him good night and prayed he gets well soon.


I hopped off the elevator that Tuesday morning. It was noisy at the R&D cubicles and guess what I saw. Yes, it was my ex but he was with a long haired woman and every guy who was early in the office. Darex had his arm circled around the woman's back. So, she is his girlfriend.

Darex didn't use do that when we were together. Instead, we held hands.

Darex glanced at my direction. When he saw me, he smirked and just continued with the group's conversation after.

Morning Yoongi.

Are you feeling better?

Melissa, morning.

I am feeling better. I don't have a fever anymore but I'll reserve my voice for our lesson later :D

:) That's good to know. You're still cheeky so that's a good sign too.

Hmm.. what's 'cheeky'?

Hmm.. I believe it literally means disrespectful but in a playful way. It's mostly used by British than Americans.

That makes sense

It's the first time we actually used this chat for English questions :P

Haha true. But did you honestly believe I asked for your number for English?


Hey! I'm trying out the Wattpad app for today. And yes, it's been a while T.T Hope you guys are doing well though!

Love, pastelpinkhair

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