chapter twenty seven: vidcon- part four.

Start from the beginning

"like a river flows
surely to the sea
darling so it goes,
some things were meant to be,"

i heard the faint strum of her ukulele intertwining with her beautiful voice. i sat there, my head to her door, listening to her until she finished. then, i heard her start to talk.

"this song means a lot to me, and when i sing it it reminds me of one person in my life who i love more than anything. you'll probably find out who that is soon."

is she talking about me?
i hope so.

"but, i figured that i'd post a cover to my channel because i love to sing, even though i'm not the greatest! and i'm at vidcon right now, so huuuge thanks to vidcon for having me! come and see me around the convention if you're here, i really love meeting you guys!"

she's so sweet.

"let me know in the comments below if you want to see more singing videos, and make sure to leave a like- while you're down there, subscribe too! just get it all out of the way, you know? anyway, thank you all for watching, i love every one of you endlessly. see you next time!"

i'm assuming she's filming for youtube.
i knocked after i heard her click the button on the camera.

her light footsteps came closer to the door and then she twisted the knob, opening it.

"hi colby," she beamed.

"hello, my singing princess,"
god, that was bad, why'd i say that, ugh, i cringed internally, but al she did was blush and keep smiling.

"i was- um, i was filming a cover for my channel." she looked down at her feet.

"it sounded beautiful." i kissed her forehead.

"so, are we gonna go to the party tonight?"

wait, what?

"i didn't think you wanted to after what happened last night." i cocked my head to the side.

"why wouldn't i? he was just a jerk who tried to get in my pants, he didn't scare me that bad," she lied.

"i feel like you're just trying to be strong for me." i told her truthfully. i knew she was lying- she was terrified last night.

"no, i'm not! i want to go back there and show everyone that some creepy guy with an unnatural jawline won't ruin my first vidcon." she put her hand on her hips in defense, and i laughed lightly.

"alright, then get ready and we'll go. want brennen and sam to come with us?" i asked.

she nodded happily and walked to her suitcase.

i texted sam and brennen to meet us in the hallway in a half hour, and i walked into steph's room.

she scurried to the bathroom with a bundle of clothes in her hand, and walked out a few seconds later fully dressed in a pair of black overall shorts, a periwinkle crop top and her matching chucks.

i watched her as she walked over to the desk, putting on the necklace i gave her on our first date. i smiled to myself, remembering that was the night i asked her to be my girlfriend.
she sat down and put on some makeup, and she straightened her hair.

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