Hearing of Him

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At what age did you first hear the name "Jesus?" How was He mentioned? What did you think? Can you even remember? Or is it one of those things you feel like you've just always known. When we hear something we automatically make connections and assumptions up about it in our mind. Maybe when you heard someone use "Jesus" in a sentence you didn't think anything of it. Maybe His name didn't stand out to you. Maybe when hearing the name it just came across as the rest of the words that were being said and didn't stick out. Maybe it was an unknown vocabulary word. Or maybe you grew up in church and you heard it all the time. However you first heard of His name. It happened. But it's something we tend to forget. I don't remember the first time I heard of Him. Probably because I was too young to even understand what was being said to me. Even so it was still implanted into my brain at a young age. There are several layers to the Father. Layer one: Hearing of Him. Hearing of him is the layer in which you get decide what He is and who He is. This is the layer in which we create our own images of Him or our own thoughts about Him. Does He sound loving, kind, caring, patient, compassionate, gentle? Or does He sound stern, harsh, strict, and tough? In reality He's all of the above. He's everything in the best possible way. Hearing His name maybe we get a warm fuzzy feeling or get little bit anxious. However you feel actually gives you insight into how well you know Him. When we hear of Jesus then we get to know about Jesus.

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