Chapter 10: You have a lot of nerve.... -_-

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Nianna's POV

So I just got out the shower and got dressed ( link in comments ) and walked out the bath room to see Tyga and Melanie looking at me .. Still kinda pissed for the prank Destiny and I pulled 

(A/N: If you don't know what I'm talking about , Check out Chapter 8: The Switch Up Part II)

Nianna: Awwn Cmon guys are you still mad ?

Tyga: Ummm HELL YEAH

Melanie: I should've beat that ass

Nianna: Awn cmon Mel you know just because you are older than me doesn't mean I can't molly whop your ass across the room floor....

Melanie: Awww I love you bitch

Nianna: Love ya too ! Now T-Raww you still mad * walks to him and sits on his lap*

Tyga: A lil bit yeah..

Nianna: I think I know what'll make you happy again....

Tyga: * looks her in the eyes and smirks* And that is?

Nianna: *leans in*

Tyga: *  careeses her face and kisses her passionately*

Destiny: *walks in * YOOOO!!!!! Tyga I thought I said stop sucking off her face..!

Nianna: *pulls away* Damn Chica! That time it was me

Destiny: Girl don't wind up pregnant here.

Tyga: Won't make no promises over here

Baeza: Over there making little Tygas

Nianna: Baeza I'll cut your vocal cords out 

Baeza: Awwn Mami thanks for the love

Nianna: Destiny girl get ya man

Melanie: Speaking of men.... Roc?

(A/n: I forgot all about this little nigga!!! LMAOOO XD )

Roc: *walks in* Yeah Ma?

Melanie: You haven't said anything in 2 days... What's up with you?

Roc: Nothin much just laying low

Melanie: * mumbles* Try laying low in this p***y


Roc: * hears her * We can try that later ma *chuckles*

Melanie: * blushes and looks down*

Everyone else/Roc and Melanie: ooooooooh 

Nianna: See now look at em tryna bone ! 

Destiny: Little nasty fuckers!  

Everyone: *laughs* 

Nianna: You know... I'm glad I met y'all... 

Melanie: Awww that means alot 

Nianna: *giggles* Seriously... Cause if I came to this house and didn't meet you guys I've probably killed Aubrey and Ariana.. 

Tyga: Yeah and I don't think I'd be okay with you being in jail... 

Nianna: I've been there before.... Only for minor things though 

Roc: Like what? 

Nianna: Drinking under the influence... Cursing out a cop... Assulting a cop while under the influence... 

Destiny: Damn... 

Nianna: Yeah... * looks down *

Baeza: But it's all good now .. You've got us

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