i got tagged

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ok so i got tagged and uhhhhh yeah here are 15 facts about me.

1.) I'm 13

2.) I'm a middle child

3.)I'm in 8th grade

4.)I was bullied from pre-k to the 7th grade(it stopped around the end of 7th grade)

5.)i only have 2 irl friends

6.)my favorite color is blue

7. )i have 3 cats and 1 dog(who hates me no joke. he barks at me and has tried to bite me so i hate him back)

8.)I take karate classes

9.)I were a uniform a black burbank shirt and kaki pants

10.)all of the clothe i wear are black, blue and grey.

11.)I have 16 pokemon posters, 1 attack on titan poster, 3 yuri on ice posters and 1 pokemon plush

12.)I currently have dyed my hair red.

13.)I plan on writing kuroko no basket fanfiction as well as haykyu fanfics and some other anime so look forward to that if you watch those anime.

14.)My favorite singer(if you can count her as one) is Hatsune Miku

)My favorite singer(if you can count her as one) is Hatsune Miku                          ⬇⬇⬇⬇

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15.)My favorite song is the game of life a vocaliod song.

I tag 

and that's it because i want to finish my homework as well as stop procrastinating right now also i got tagged twice but i didn't get one of them so ............ o well this all you get. anyways until next time.

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