I don't know what title to put so here you go

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Now ten years later Izuku (i finally remembered how to spell his name) and todoroki are both accepted into U.A trough recommendation and put into class 1A. Both izuku and todoroki are quite known due to the fact that they both placed 1st in there moock (is that how you spell it?) exam that was designed for college first years . So, the moment they stepped a foot inside the classroom they were bombarded with questions like did you really ace the moock test, what are your quirks, what school did you come from, who recommended you but the worst one of them all was when they all asked what happened to your faces.  That's when mr.Aizawa came in and introduced himself as their home room teacher then told them to get into their gym uniform and wait outside.
"Hey bakugo how far did you trow the softball without using your quirk"-aizawa
" I think it was around 50 feet"-bakugo
"now use your quirk with the softball trow"-aizawa
Bakugo lines up and throws the softball 703.2 feet and everyone but todoroki and izuku stare in awe.

"Oh and i forgotto mention this but whoever places in last gets expelled"
"what you can't do that it's only our first day here"-uraraka
(I forgot what aizawa said so i'm improvising)
"And who says I can't and in case you haven't noticed already U.A doesn't go through the regular course other schools do"

*time skip because I am to lazy to write it out and also because I forgot what happens and i am not basing it of the anime completely*

As izawa revealed the results first place was a tie between todoroki and izuku and last place was mineta. Izawa then said "Oh and no one is being expelled you see it was all a rational rouse to make sure you gave it your all"

*another time skip because i'm lazy*

it was now lunch time and everyone but todoroki and izuku were going to the cafeteria.
"hey todo-kun did you bring your lunch"-izuku
todoroki began to blush in embarrassment and said "n-n-no"
"here you left it next to my book bag"-izuku
"thank you izu-kun"
They both began to laugh and little did they now someone was watching them.

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